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julie stone

Julie Stone was born a child of the seventies complete with rainbow shirts, bell bottoms and a belief in unicorns. All that whim and whimsey ushered her into the wonderful world of being a teenager in the eighties, something she has a hard time letting go of most days. I mean, the styles, the music, the movies? It was a playground for the creative mind she was growing.

Alas, she had to leave all that behind and become an adult. Graduating with a degree in English from the University of Iowa (go Hawks!) where along with a degree she also earned herself a husband. She embarked on all of the regular, boring grown up things that come with age. Until the magical world of motherhood brought along a new chapter of joy, terror and sleepless nights.  But also, nap time. Suddenly there was time to go back to her creative calling and write. Through raising two boys, several moves around the midwest, those stories and that keyboard kept her company and kept her, relatively sane. (Depending on who you ask.)

Currently settled in Iowa, she continues to pursue her love of the written word, her cats and sMothering the three boys in her life to the best of her abilities. She is the Author of three books, These Darn Heels, Deja Who? and Try, Try Again.

“life would be perfect if girls had a mute button, guys had an delete button, bad times had a fast forward button, and good times had a pause button.”
julie stone
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