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Julien Gracq

Julien Gracq (27 July 1910 – 22 December 2007), born Louis Poirier in St.-Florent-le-Vieil, in the French "département" of Maine-et-Loire, was a French writer. He wrote novels, criticism, a play, and poetry.

Gracq first studied in Paris at the Lycée Henri IV, where he earned his baccalauréat. He then entered the École Normale Supérieure in 1930, later studying at the École libre des sciences politiques.

In 1932, he read André Breton's Nadja, which deeply influenced him. His first novel, The Castle of Argol is dedicated to that surrealist writer, to whom he devoted a whole book in 1948.

“La verité est triste, comme vous le savez. Elle déçoit parce qu'elle restreint. Elle tient dans un poing fermé, puis dans le geste d'une main qui se délace et rejette. Elle est pauvre, elle démeuble et démunit.”
Julien Gracq
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“J'ai lu quelque part que la mort était une société secrète...Ce qui n'est qu'une fin, un pis-aller, et c'est peu dire, pour la plupart des êtres, ne peut-il devenir pour d'autres une vocation? - Quelquefois, et jamais autant que ce soir, je me le suis demandé. Et - comme toutes les vocations - contagieuse.”
Julien Gracq
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“Mais ce que je ne savais pas, c'est qu'il n'est pas bon de laisser la mort se promener trop longtemps à visage découvert sur la terre. Je ne savais pas... Elle émeut, elle éveille la mort encore endormie au fond des autres, comme un enfant dans le ventre d'une femme. Et comme quand une femme rencontre une femme grosse - même si elle détourne la tête, tout au fond d'eux-mêmes, si l'on descendait, on les sentirait complices... Oui, c'est leur mort tout d'un coup qui bouge en eux.”
Julien Gracq
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“De nouveau il entendit la porte s'ouvrir, et, calme, du fond de la chambre, il vit venir à lui sa dernière heure.”
Julien Gracq
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“Ce qui commence par : "Je me hâtais de déplaire exprès, par crainte de déplaire naturellement" (Mauriac) continue par : "Je me hâtais d'échouer exprès,par crainte d'échouer naturellement", et pourrait se terminer un jour par : "Je me hâtais de mourir exprès,par crainte de mourir naturellement" (une phrase d'excellent comique).”
Julien Gracq
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“No, what numbed these fields, peopled with bad dreams was not the oppressive grip of a plague but rather an ailing retreat, a sort of sad widowhood. Man had started to subdue these vacant expanses, then had grown weary of eating into it, and now even the desire to preserve what had been claimed had perished. He had established everywhere an ebb, a sorrowful withdrawal. His cuttings into the forest, which were seen at long intervals, had lost their hard edges, their distinct notches: now a thick brushwood had driven its sabbath into the broad daylight of the glades, hiding the naked trunks as high as their lowest branches.”
Julien Gracq
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“Often, beyond the next turning, footfalls of a herd galloping across stone were heard, or further in the distance, with reassuring grunts, a wild boar could be seen, trotting with steady stride along the edge of the road with her sow and a whole procession of young in tow. And then one's heart beat faster upon advancing a little into the subtle light: one might have said that the path had suddenly become wild, thick with grass, its dark paving-slabs engulfed by nettles, blackthorn and sloe, so that it mingled up time past rather than crossing country-side, and perhaps it was going to issue forth, in the chiaroscuro of thicket smelling of moistened down and fresh grass, into one of those glades where animals spoke to men.”
Julien Gracq
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“Blood had long since ceased to beat from one end to the other, but one could sense, from passages marked with fresher traces of wheels and hooves, that once the meaning and even the very idea of a long journey was lost, sleep had not descended over it in one fell swoop: it had continued to steal a march here and there, in a discontinuous way, and over short distances, like a laborer who feels his cart jolt on a section of Roman road that crosses his field...”
Julien Gracq
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“It was a fossilized path: the will which had cut this gash out of these solitary places so that the blood and sap would flow there was long since dead - and dead too were the circumstances which had guided this will. A whitish and indurated scar remained, gradually gnawed away by the earth like a flesh that heals itself, yet its direction was still vaguely cut into the horizon; a language and crepuscular sign rather than a way forward - a worn-out lifeline which still vegetated through the fallow land as it does on the palm of a hand. It was so old that, since it had been constructed, the very configuration of the land must have changed imperceptibly.”
Julien Gracq
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“A history of literature, unlike history as such, ought to list only victories, for its defeats are no victory for anyone.”
Julien Gracq
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“On its own, having escaped my grasp, the spool I had loosed was unwinding.”
Julien Gracq
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