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Juliet Gael

Juliet Gael is the pen name used by Janice Graham for biographical fiction. Janice was raised in the Midwest and obtained her M.A. in French literature before pursuing graduate film studies at USC and English literature at UCLA in Los Angeles, California. She has lived abroad for more than fifteen years, primarily in Paris, where she worked as a screenwriter. She now makes her home in Florence, Italy. You can find all her novels on her Janice Graham website, along with a bio with all the fun stuff. www.janicegraham.com

“I may sound a little blasphemous here, but I tell you... understanding God's will is like reading a first-year primer compared to guessing the minds of women.”
Juliet Gael
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“Perhaps you confuse virtue and convention, gentlemen. Conventionality is not morality, and self-righteousness is not religion.”
Juliet Gael
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“It's bakin' day. If they had any care at all of folk, they'd know better that to come on bakin' day.""They are men," Charlotte replied. "They only care if the bread is baked or not.”
Juliet Gael
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“There was is Arthur Nicholls much to recommend him to Charlotte Bronte, not least of which was the disparity between surface and soul, and it might be argued that Mr. Nicholls was the hidden gem of the two. Behind a veneer of quiet, ladylike demeanor, Charlotte concealed an acerbic mind and ruthlessly harsh opions on the weaknesses of the human species. Arthur, on the other hand, was the blustery, bigoted sort who could barely open his mouth without offending someone. Yet when the gloves came off, he had a great and tender heart, and was capable of love that would bear all wrongs, endure all tempests - in short, the very stuff that Charlotte took great pains to fabricate in her stories and that she was convinced she would never find.”
Juliet Gael
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“Aye, it would've been the right thing t' do, but we're all of us made of the same stuff, miss, sinners before God, an' none o' us do the right thing all the time.”
Juliet Gael
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“It is a sign of wisdom to recognize those things we cannot change about ourselves and our fate”
Juliet Gael
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