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Jus Accardo

“All these places I want to go don't exist without you. All my goals come from one place. You. You are my biggest goal. That's not wrong, is it?”
Jus Accardo
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“That was your past. I am your future.”
Jus Accardo
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“If I had the ability to touch anyone else in this world, I still don't believe I'd want it to be anyone but you.”
Jus Accardo
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“I love you," he said. [...] "Just you. Only you. Always you.”
Jus Accardo
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“I think I understand that now. I think I love you.”
Jus Accardo
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“Things had gone from really weird to I-fell-down-the-rabbit-hole surreal.”
Jus Accardo
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“He sat up straight, eyes wide, and touched the tip of his index finger to his cheek. "What was that?"I blushed. "A kiss.""That's what a kiss feels like?""Well, technically. There are a lot of different types of—""Show me.""Show you what?""Show me some other kinds.""You're asking me to kiss you?"(Dez and Kale)”
Jus Accardo
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“I backed us up against the wall. “How I feel? You want to know?” I ran my hands over his face and tangled them into his messy hair. “This is unlike anything else. I’ve bungeed off buildings, I’ve skateboarded off roofs. I’ve even gone train surfing. Nothing comes close to the high I feel when I’m with you. You’ve been through horrible things, and yet you’re one of the kindest, truest people I’ve ever met. At first I thought it was because you weresafe. I could feel something for you because you couldn’t hurt me. Not the way Alex did. But it’s more than that. It’s you. Who you are. The way you are. Everything from your smile to the way you always say exactly what’s on your mind. Your soul, Kale.”
Jus Accardo
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“Current relationship status?” Her voice cut like an arctic chill blowing through the room.“If you mean me, then you’re not my type. If you mean my dad, he’s single, but I don’t think you’re his type either,” I said with a small smile. Mercy didn’t find it amusing. A small blue vein in her forehead started throbbing like crazy....“Actually, come to think of it, I don’t think he has a type. I’ve never seen him with a woman.Mercy, I hate to break it to you, but there’s a very real possibility my dad is gay.”
Jus Accardo
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