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Justina Robson

“No duelling. No summoning of imps or other manifestations of elements potentially damaging to the records, including but not limited to: elementals, imps, sprites, ifrits, goblins, vile maidens, elohim, and major, minor and inferior spawn. No praying. No cursing, except by staff. The library is closed on public holidays. Donations welcome."-Demonia Library”
Justina Robson
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“Matter is energy plus information. You and I, our bodies are matter. Our minds depend on that. There is no part of mind that is not the flux of information and energy at the classical level. At the classical level matter of a certain density may not share space with other matter. You and I cannot cross over. But at the quantum level, all things may pass through each other. But passing through causes a change in states, a change of information. Every change brings loss, creates anomalies. Losses pile up. Anomalies grow. Forgetting occurs. Without the information being isolated from the process, how can what was be made to the same pattern? It is similar, but it is not the same. New organization is possible, but old patterns are gone forever. The longer you stay at quantum level, interacting with lower levels of organization, the more you lose. Perhaps it's better.”
Justina Robson
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“Max smiled, the smile of comfort, the one you give to someone who's made a big mistake and is suffering the consequences, the one that doesn't help but shows you understand.”
Justina Robson
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“Because there's nothing you can do about other people's reactions. You be yourself and let them be themselves and if you don't get what you want then tough and if you do then good for you and that's it. Everything else is manipulation and I spit on it.-Zal”
Justina Robson
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