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K. Howard Joslin

“Can I really take God at his word?”
K. Howard Joslin
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“What if God doesn’t keep his promises?”
K. Howard Joslin
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“We don’t know why God chose to deliver Peter from death and James through death. The text doesn’t say.”
K. Howard Joslin
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“Quite frankly we are both tired of the race we have been asked to run.”
K. Howard Joslin
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“Because Ann learned to trust God fifteen years ago, she is able to trust God now with an even more difficult situation.”
K. Howard Joslin
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“I needed to decide if I would still worship God if he allowed Matt to lose his eye.”
K. Howard Joslin
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“I have no guarantee that God will choose to heal Ann, but I know he wants me to pray to that end.”
K. Howard Joslin
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“Ann: What if there is no God? What if the Bible isn’t true?”
K. Howard Joslin
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“We are all tired of the stress.”
K. Howard Joslin
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“Keith: Sometimes God grants us sustenance. But God also grants us deliverance. It’s only a matter of time.”
K. Howard Joslin
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“We don’t know the final outcome, or even know how long the battle will last, but we do know the referee.”
K. Howard Joslin
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“Their prayers impacted the outcome of the fight.”
K. Howard Joslin
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“I shared what we were learning, so that others might grow in their faith through the testing of ours.”
K. Howard Joslin
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“I kept hoping because she couldn’t afford to lose hope. I kept my faith so she wouldn’t lose hers.”
K. Howard Joslin
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“God dramatically slew one monstrous opponent and then threw us into the arena against a stronger and more vicious foe.”
K. Howard Joslin
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“God had not abandoned us. He was actively working behind the scenes, when I had no means or spirit to fight.”
K. Howard Joslin
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“DeeDee had to have a firm grasp on reality. Yet she knew God was bigger than a pathology report. So she prayed.”
K. Howard Joslin
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“Ann prayed because of a gut-wrenching, throbbing pain in her soul. She urgently begged the Lord for her life.”
K. Howard Joslin
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“Each appointment brought fear, uncertainty and discouragement. Ann’s constant concern was, What if I have cancer?”
K. Howard Joslin
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“Don’t ever discount the cry of your heart. God may be working in your heart to bring about his sovereign plan.”
K. Howard Joslin
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“I’d encourage Ann to cling to God’s character in spite of what her circumstances screamed.”
K. Howard Joslin
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“Ann: You didn’t cause my miscarriages. But you are committed to transforming me to be like you.”
K. Howard Joslin
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“Ann: How does God’s character fit into things that seem totally against his character?”
K. Howard Joslin
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“Ann: If we know God, we do not need to know why He allows us to experience what we do.”
K. Howard Joslin
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“Ann: I feel like I should read verses and be comforted. But it doesn’t happen.”
K. Howard Joslin
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“Ann: How my heart has ached. How empty I have felt. How I’ve ached to hold my two babies.”
K. Howard Joslin
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“Joseph’s trials were unjust, inexplicable and heartrending. Yet Joseph knew God, and he knew that God had a plan.”
K. Howard Joslin
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“That morning set in motion a series of events that caused me to wrestle with questions of God’s goodness.”
K. Howard Joslin
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“Breaking a sweat through our difficulties minimized the likelihood of a crippling injury to our faith.”
K. Howard Joslin
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