Professional dilettante, arcane artist, all-purpose writer, Fulbrighter, uberskiver, medievalist, Sister in Crime, History Witch at Pagan Square, Pirate Pub Captain ☠ currently anchored in Dundee, Scotland ·
Works include WHITE RABBIT, EXTRICATE, the HARD-BOILED WITCH series, A CUT-THROAT BUSINESS, LUSH SITUATION, OWL STRETCHING, CHASTITY FLAME, UNQUIET DREAMS, ROOK CHANT, PELZMANTEL, DREAM BOOK, CON-EIRE as well as editor of MY WANDERING UTERUS, DRAG NOIR, WEIRD NOIR and NOIR CARNIVAL. Writer of a wide variety of stories, essays, plays, and humour pieces. Also writes as Kit Marlowe (historical romance) & Graham Wynd (noir). Music as Victoria Squid & Higora,
“Something terrible happens to people who don't create, something poisonous. Creating is a necessity for all humans, like breathing. If you don't do it, you suffer.”
“We have one precious life: do something extraordinary today, even if it's tiny. A pebble starts the avalanche.”
“Shut up and write.”
“Most people give up their pursuit of genius early on and spend their lives desperately seeking it in others.”