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Kaal Kaczmarek

A New Zealander with North Eastern European heritage. Just discovered that his genetic roots date back to reindeer herders in Finland. Once hiked 280km through the Himalayas of Nepal. Now hiking his way through mountains of pastries in Paris. Works in education for the British Council. His late gran was a very popular (and politically incorrect) children's book writer and poet in New Zealand. Hopes that a smidgeon of her cheek and charm has trickled down the family tree. Wrote Cousin Felicity and the Eels of Misty Point to try to recapture the magic of character-based books he read a child such as Huck Finn, Pippi Longstocking and Danny the Champion of the World.

Believes that the Universe conspires to make things happen...sometimes.

“Sensing that this stranger was not the dangerous kind, and being the caring, big-hearted dog that he had built his reputation on, Lucky decided that a good dose of tongue licking would put matters right. However, in a twist of bad timing, unluckily for Lucky, he landed his lick just as Felicity rolled over onto her back. So, instead of a friendly lick across the ears as he intended, Lucky’s long slobbery, pink tongue made a trail from Felicity’s chin to her cherry red lips and up to her forehead.‘AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRGHHHH!”
Kaal Kaczmarek
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“It was the first time her eyes had really met mine and to be honest I think there was more warmth between the lamb chops in the freezer." Daniel meeting Felicity in Cousin Felicity and the Eels of Misty Point.”
Kaal Kaczmarek
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