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Kai Strand

Thanks for your interest in my books and me. I love talking books with readers and hope you’ll share your thoughts on my books by leaving a review and/or dropping me an email. It’s easiest to get a hold of me through my website (kaistrand.com). Perhaps you clicked on my bio to find out things about me, such as I hate to handle raw meat, I’m a wife and mother of four, a compulsive walker, and a Mozart fangirl. But since you stopped by, what I really want you to know is that I love that you read. Readers are smart, quick-witted, and usually good conversationalists—even if it’s only in their head. Introverts unite!

I write middle grade fiction because those are the most formative years of our lives. It’s when we are trying to claim our freedom, while still being restricted by rules. The things we learn in books can give us the skills to navigate that maze. I write young adult fiction because there are no limits to what message I share or how I share it. Plus young adult readers are some of the most passionate readers out there. I heart YA readers.

If you’d like an image of me as a writer, go ahead and picture me with my laptop in a quaint bookshop café, fingers flying over the keys while the words pour out of my fingertips. It’s much better than the real image of me in my pajamas with coffee breath, sinking into the me-sized crater in the couch, grumbling at my laptop when the words don’t come.

“When you write, you are telling a story...to yourself. When you revise, you are telling a story to yourself...over and over again.”
Kai Strand
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“Unlock a child's imagination through the power of words.”
Kai Strand
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