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Kailin Gow

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Kailin Gow is an International Bestselling American, USA Today Bestselling, WOC and AAPI screenwriter, director, producer, speaker, actress and traditionally-published and indie author of hundreds of books, and the owner/founder and organizer of mega-book signing events like Rockin' Hollywood, Naughty Mafia in Las Vegas, and the upcoming Love Letters from Las Vegas (also, the title of an upcoming Rom Com film) which has featured the very top authors of Romance and drawn thousands of readers, including being in a documentary film now out on Amazon Prime.

Over 14 Million copies of her books have been downloaded around the world and translated into 25 languages. 2 of her book series, FADE Series and Red Genesis Series, has been optioned by the Academy Award-winning team behind Netflix #1 most Liked and Top 10 Netflix Original Film, Wish Dragon, also the team behind the special effects magic of Star Wars and Marvel films.

She owns a traditional publishing company with an API (Asian Pacific Islander) Diversity initiative that has partnerships with production companies across the globe with distribution through Netflix, Amazon, Hulu, Disney and more! Kailin Gow is a go to media guest on Women in Film and Television and is a voting member of the Academy Awards.

Her Worldwide Brand, Kailin Gow's Go Girl has won awards for its tv series, books, cosmetics, fashions, beauty and health products, and soon-to-be home and travel products. As of 2021, Kailin Gow's Go Girl is excited to expand into its own line of hotels, starting with a 70+ room hotel in Texas. In 2022, her books will be adapted into entertainment venues called Sparklesoup World, offered in various locations throughout the U.S. and internationally.

She has been a host on world-class stages, an invited speaker for BEA and a regular radio/TV guest for major stations. She is an official voice of AAPI, She has a TV Reality show on her as an author and personality. She is also the host and publisher of a leading author industry guide, subscription newsletter, and podcast called Authors Voices. Five of her pen names are USA Today Bestselling authors and will be traditionally published in 2022. She is also a recurring speaker/instructor of writing series and serials for professional screenwriters and producers as of 2021.

Kailin Gow is one of Cindy Crawford's Beauties, who is beautiful on the inside as well as the outside, along with Gabrielle Union.

She was called "a successful author who knows how to balance being an author and life" by Huffington Post. USA Today recommends her steamy romances while PBS Kids have recommended her Teen Fantasy Series.

Amazon highlighted her author success story on the homepage of Amazon.com and in their book, Transformations and was invited by Amazon to be an author spokesperson for Amazon's launch of the Kindle fire in Santa Monica.

In the publishing industry, she has written and presented many articles and workshops for major publications as well as conventions. https://www.fastcompany.com/user/kail...

and is the host/founder of the podcast and newsletter Author Voices. Additionally, she owns a law firm specializing in consumer advocacy.

Kailin Gow holds a Masters degree in Management from USC and degrees in Social Ecology (Psychology, Criminology, Sociology, and Ecology/Climate), Drama, and Film making from UC Irvine where she once ran and DJ for a radio station that helped discovered OC bands like Sugar Ray and Gwen Stefani.

“It’s one way or another, Summer. For me, it’s black and white. You’re either in the friend zone or the lover zone. And with you…Gosh, Summer, you’re in my danger zone. My rip-my-heart-out and change-me-forever zone. I have to tread lightly with you. Because if I don’t, I may never be able to find my way back.”
Kailin Gow
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“But why do you have to keep your distance from me, why can’t you see me, talk to me like a real person…like Drew, not some kind of distant non-friend.”“Non-friend?” Drew smiled drily at my choice of words. “I like the sound of that better than ‘friends’, Summer. It probably describes us best.” - Perfect Summer”
Kailin Gow
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“You gotta follow your passion in life”
Kailin Gow
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“That in itself made her a little intriguing and enticing. A woman who doesn't know her own potential for passion”
Kailin Gow
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“If there was ever a dress that can be an aphrodisiac the one Serena was wearing now had to be it”
Kailin Gow
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“If he was like any of his music, he would be complex, explosive, sweet, sensual, and passionate.”
Kailin Gow
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“She was as lovely sleeping as she was dripping in sensuality at the fundraiser”
Kailin Gow
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“His music was an outlet of that romantic energy and sensitivity.”
Kailin Gow
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“It was the way he communicated it, while still being the man’s man that he was, the alpha, who liked being in charge”
Kailin Gow
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“Tanned, toned, curves in the right places and that small waist…lips, hair, eyes all packaged up like a siren. If she’s a siren, I heard her call, and I’m diving in hook, line, and sinker. - Drew Donovan”
Kailin Gow
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“I know that whatever you decide, you’ll be happy, Summer, and that is the only thing I could ever wish. Whatever happens in the rest of this summer, whatever happens the rest of your life, it’s important that you are happy, and stay that way. – Aunt Sookie”
Kailin Gow
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“I grinned. “So you are human after all.” I touched his chest, feeling him breathe hard in and out. “I always thought you were made of steel, you know,” I said.“Superman?” Nat arched his eyebrows.“No, the Tin Man,” I answered back. I settled my head against his chest, turning my ear to listen to his heartbeat. “I sometimes wondered if you had a heart.” - Summer, Perfect Summer”
Kailin Gow
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“I looked down, unable to meet the intensity in Nat’s eyes. Tonight, my crush for Nat had moved beyond a crush. The chemistry between us was undeniable, and the more we clashed, the more we wanted each other." - Summer, Perfect Summer”
Kailin Gow
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“I do,” Drew admitted, his eyes devouring my body appreciatively. “But with you…I want so much more, Summer. So much more than you’re willing to give me.” He paused, “Every single touch, every single look you give me, I cherish.”
Kailin Gow
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“Love hits you when you least expect it, grabs you, sucks you in whole, and twists you around until you could hardly breathe. Love hurts like a sucker punch, that's both glorious and beautiful. Falling for Summer was like that for me, every time.”
Kailin Gow
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“Let's not talk,” she said again, wrapping her arms around him and kissing him.His lips collided with hers; his mouth opened into hers. He pushed her down upon the sofa and began unbuttoning her blouse; she opened the buttons of his shirt and felt her lips press against the smooth expanses of his chest.They did not stop; they could not stop. Their bodies were tangled into each other – their limbs at angles across the surface of the couch. They had both by now stripped to their underwear, and Stuart's arms were tight upon her back.“We have to stop,” he whispered, and she gave a little moan in reply.”
Kailin Gow
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“And what if Aaron drank from the unwilling? If he killed men and women – what then?”“I don't know that he did.” Kalina turned to face him. They drove on. “It sounds like he stuck to Vampire Wine. Which is more than I can say for you.”“Listen,” said Jaegar. “You eat your steak. I’ll eat my humans. You don't need to get self-righteous with me. As far as I'm concerned – you're just food.”“I'm food that can talk. And in any case – you don't seem to make up your mind whether you want to sleep with me or have me for dinner.”“Both, really.”
Kailin Gow
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“Kalina remained paralyzed in her seat. “Oh, crap. Aaron was a vampire.” She straightened up. Remain calm, Kalina. Breathe. “You're not going to eat me, are you?”“No,” said Stuart. “Not all vampires feed on humans. I choose not to. I drink Vampire Wine.”“Vampire Wine.” Kalina put the pieces together. “Jaegar...I thought he was kidding...”“And Aaron drank Vampire Wine, too. To avoid succumbing to temptation. To avoid drinking blood whenever he got too...excited....”Kalina's eyes widened. “So you mean...”“Vampire Wine wasn't the problem, Kalina. It was the only solution.”
Kailin Gow
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“The denizens of Feyland find the absence of magic to be quite funny. I mean no offense. ”“None taken.”“For example – In the Land Over the Crystal River (for that's how we refer to humans), there was once a man and a woman. And the man was in love with the woman, and wanted her for himself. But because he had no magic, he couldn't feel whether or not there was a “pull” towards her or not, so he didn't know whether she loved him or not. So what did he do?”“What?”“He had to ASK her!” Kian couldn't help laughing.“I don't get it!”“Ask her!” said Kian. “It's funny – because he didn't have magic.” His laughter grew louder and less controlled, tinkling like bells in the winter snow. “He had to ask her!”I realized that there were some cultural barriers Kian and I might never transcend.”
Kailin Gow
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“Don’t worry…three vampire meanies and a horse won’t keep me away from you.” Kalina looked at Jaegar. Jaegar shrugged. “If you don’t get it, it’s before your time.” “And what time is that?” “The Dark Ages…that’s why you’ve never heard of it before. Everything was kept in the dark…”
Kailin Gow
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“My Dearest Breena, They will remember us. Long after these wars have been mourned and then forgotten long after Summer and Winter fairies lay aside their rancor for one another and forget that they have ever tasted hatred they will remember – Summer fairies and Winter too – of a fairy king who loved his queen. - Prince Kian”
Kailin Gow
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“The way you’re talking…” Tears were shining in Kian’s eyes. “It sounds like you don’t think you’re coming back.” Kian to Bree, Spring Frost (Frost Series #7)”
Kailin Gow
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“i had never felt more at home here, here where the stars shone so brightly and the breeze felt like a lover's touch.”
Kailin Gow
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“i have sung for you, he said, his voice cracking with pain. but who will sing for me? the woman i love... she is where you are now. If you meet her on the road to heaven, tell her that i love her. tell her that i'm waiting for her, and that i want nothing more than to cross that gorge scross which i have sent you , and to see her shade for myself! if she will forgive me for having failed her- having failed out peave!”
Kailin Gow
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“all my love, my pain, my passion were to be sacrificed for something greater, and yet i could not convince myself that i had mad the right choice.”
Kailin Gow
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“lets us go together. we have a few hours.”
Kailin Gow
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“even the slow, soft telepathic connection between us- the sense of connectedness that linked us even when we were in the same room- the sense that we were not two people but rather one ecstatic and indivisible whole, had vanished. i couldnt even feel his pain. but i could feel mine. i felt as if a part of myself had been cut off, as if there was within my soul a hole so gaping and empty that the whole world could pass through it and still i would not feel a thing.”
Kailin Gow
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“i know he was not angry with me- he could not be angry with me- and yet his silence felt like anger to me, as cold and raging as fury.”
Kailin Gow
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“we had allowed our eyes to meet only once- by accident as much as out of necessity- and not ten seconds had passed before the agony had become too great to bear and we had retreated into silence and coldness once more.”
Kailin Gow
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“as i looked into his face, my arms encircled around his waist, smelling his wonderfully masculine scent, i wonder how i can deny that what we had was more then friendship?”
Kailin Gow
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“i felt emotions overtake me, turning my limbs into water. i felt as if kian had wrapped his whole being around me, so tightly, hugging me tightly with the ends of his soul. i could feel my heart beating quicker, my breath growing shorter as i signed.”
Kailin Gow
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“war or no war, you will and always will be my queen”
Kailin Gow
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“the one brave enough to be the first”
Kailin Gow
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“it takes someone brave to do what everyone else is afraid to do first.”
Kailin Gow
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“i shall see you soon, my love. Be strong, and do not hate me for being so cold. they must not see that i love you or it would mean sure death to both of us”
Kailin Gow
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“immediately i felt my body crumbling, shaking so fast that the very atoms of my being seemed to dissolve, and then i was dissolving too, my emotions shattering me, unitl there was nothing left of me but silver dust- and a final longing stare of awe,of passion, of love.”
Kailin Gow
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“it was like the first time we kissed- that same sense of love so strong that nothing else mattered, nothing at all. i wanted to lose myself in that kiss, for the kiss to stretch out into eternity, to feel nothing but the intersity of passion i felt in that very moment.”
Kailin Gow
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“It touched me so deeply that my soul felt as if it were being torn open, rent apart by this storm of feelings.”
Kailin Gow
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“the words were like gunpowder blasts, sparking me into thought and action.”
Kailin Gow
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“the real world was only a dream, only an echo, and in silent moments throughtout the day it would hit me: i am not at home here.”
Kailin Gow
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“-the place where we store the true parts of our soul, away from the rest of the world.”
Kailin Gow
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“the dream had come again, like the sun after a storm. It was the same dream that had come many times before, battering down the doors of my mind night after night since i was a child. it was the sort of dreams all girls dream, i suppose- a dream of mysterious worlds and hidden doorways, of leaves that breathe and make music when they are rustled in the wind, and river that bubbles and froth with secrets.”
Kailin Gow
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“There is no law stronger than that ofmagic. - Kian”
Kailin Gow
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“The passion I feel for you is more than you’re prepared for. - Eric”
Kailin Gow
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“Things change, Briony. You can't stop them, and you'll drive yourself crazy if you try.”
Kailin Gow
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“Get her to safety or I will kill you for it.”
Kailin Gow
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“He was the only one interested in me.""Of course he isn't," Steve said. "Practically every boy in the school would want a chance to... ow, Maisy!""Sorry, my elbow slipped.”
Kailin Gow
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“Somehow she felt hollow, as though her heart was wrenched away from her. She didn't realize it. She hadn't expected it. She loved Fallon.”
Kailin Gow
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“If she did have to describe the kind of person who hunted vampires though, she was certain of one thing. It wouldn't be the kind of person who wore pink fluffy slippers at night and fell asleep in front of the television”
Kailin Gow
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“I can't wait." Kian pressed my hands to his lips. "I love you with all my heart, all my being, all of myself. Whatever my mother says, whatever the law says, you are still my intended. I can feel it. Feel it the way I feel the power of Winter Magic in my blood. It is a truth more ancient than any laws, any magic. We can still communicate telepathically, with our minds, which is one magic of love. When you have love for someone, and it is returned, lovers can communicate through the mind - as long as we have that connection, we will never be truly parted. Promise me that, Breena.”
Kailin Gow
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