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Kaitlin Bevis

“I wanted a guy like Orpheus. Orpheus has gone through Tartarus to rescue his wife—that was love. Hades probably didn't even know the meaning of the word love.”
Kaitlin Bevis
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“Reality has teeth and claws. It's rarely pretty and never fair. Haven't you figured that out yet?”
Kaitlin Bevis
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“At my disbelieving look he sighed again. I thought about offering him an inhaler, but he continued.”
Kaitlin Bevis
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“I could feel someone watching me. Eyes boring a hole in the back of my neck, crawling over my skin.”
Kaitlin Bevis
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“In practice, I always get you to give me the red M&M’s.”“That was a device to let you know when you were using enough charm to affect a human,” he snapped. “I got it from a human parenting manual. I didn’t think you were stupid enough to believe you could use your charm against me.”My eyes flashed. I remembered mother telling me the only way she’d found to potty train me was giving me M&M’s. I was not flattered by the comparison.”
Kaitlin Bevis
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“I took a final look at my mother’s silhouette in the doorway and tightened my grip on the steering wheel.Hades followed my gaze. “She was trying to protect you.”“I know. That’s the worst part. I’m just tired of her deception. I mean, keeping the fact that I was a goddess from me my whole life was one thing, but to still keep something from me? That’s just…” I couldn’t put words to the feelings that were bothering me.“You wanted her to be as honest as you’ve always perceived her to be.”“Yes.”“It could be worse.”“How?”“My father ate me.”
Kaitlin Bevis
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“Families think they know what’s best for you. Your friends let you figure that out for yourself.”
Kaitlin Bevis
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“There’s something you need to know, little goddess,” he whispered, turning his face so his breath tickled my ear. It felt really good. He smiled, and my heart froze. It wasn’t a nice smile. “I am much stronger than you. You cannot use your little tricks on me. I am immune, you stupid child. I’ll forgive this one transgression, but if you ever try to manipulate my affections again, I will not be so accommodating. Do you understand?”
Kaitlin Bevis
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“[Hades] returned his attention to the playlist while I eased the car back on the road. His fingers flipped deftly over the screen. 'Orpheus...Dusk...Orpheus...Dusk...do you have anything on here that doesn't make people want to jump off a cliff?' ... 'I'm driving. When you learn to drive something more modern than a horse and buggy, we can listen to your music.''I can drive!''Did they even have cars the last time you can to the surface?' I teased.'Yes.''Not counting the minute and a half you spent rescuing me last year?'Hades fell silent, and I laughed. 'I didn't think so.”
Kaitlin Bevis
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“Charm me into giving you the red M&Ms. They’re my favorite.'I looked Hades in the eyes. 'Give me the red M&Ms.''Still not good enough.''Give me the damn M&Ms,"'I snapped.He snickered. 'That wasn’t very charming.”
Kaitlin Bevis
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