Poetry of Indian dramatist and lyric poet Kalidasa (circa 375-circa 415) represents the height of the kavya style, which his epic poem
and his lyric poem
Poeple widely regard Kālidāsa (Devanāgarī: कालिदास "servant of Kali") as the greatest renowned writer in the classical Sanskrit language.
We know nothing with certainty about the life of Kālidāsa apart from works but speculate about the place where he lived or the dates of his birth and death. According to legend, his known beauty brought him to the attention of Vidyottama, princess, who married him.
Kālidāsa, however, legendarily lacked much education, and his ignorance and coarseness shamed the princess. A devoted worshipper of Kali (by other accounts of Saraswati), Kālidāsa is said to have called upon his goddess for help when he was going to commit suicide in a well after he was humiliated by his wife, and was rewarded with a sudden and extraordinary gift of wit. He is then said to have become the most brilliant of the "nine gems" at the court of the king Vikramaditya of Ujjain. Legend also has it that he was murdered by a courtesan in Sri Lanka during the reign of Kumaradasa.
“KING (to Sakuntala): O fair lady! The tear drop that once stood trembling on your lower lip-and I watched uncaring, lost in delusion-while it still clings to your gently-curving lashes,I shall now wipe away, my beloved,to free myself of remorse.”
“Today well lived makes every yesterday a memory of happiness and every tomorrow a vision of hope.”
“Hadapilah hari ini!Inilah saatnya untuk menuntut hidup yang nyata,Dalam rentang waktu yang pendek ini, kita mendapat kesempatan untuk:Berkembang dengan gembira, bertindak dengan mulia.Menciptakan keindahan yang mempesona,Karena hari kemarin cuma mimpi dan hari esok cuma bayang-bayang.Tapi bila hari ini kita jalani dengan baik, setiap hari kemarin akan menjadi mimpi yang indah.Dan setiap hari esok menjadi bayang-bayang harapan.Jadi manfaatkanlah hari ini sebaik-baiknya.”
“Yesterday is but a dream,Tomorrow is only a vision. But today well lived makes every yesterday a dream of happiness, and every tomorrow a vision of hope.”