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Kami Garcia

Kami Garcia is a #1 New York Times, USA Today, and international bestselling author. She is the coauthor of the BEAUTIFUL CREATURES series, which has been published in 51 countries and 37 languages, with over 10 million copies in print. In 2013, Beautiful Creatures released as a feature film from Warner Brothers. Kami is a cofounder of the YALLFEST kid lit book festival and the author of five solo novels, including her Bram Stoker Award-nominated novels Unbreakable and Unmarked (THE LEGION series) and The X-Files Origins: Agent of Chaos. Kami’s first graphic novel Teen Titans: Raven, with artist Gabriel Picolo, is the first book in her TEEN TITANS series for DC Comics and the adult series JOKER/HARLEY: CRIMINAL SANITY, from DC Black Label.

Find Kami online at kamigarcia.com, on Facebook @KamiGarciaYA, and on Twitter and Instagram @KamiGarcia.

“When we were together, she turned me completely inside out.”
Kami Garcia
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“But you couldn't unpop a bubble.”
Kami Garcia
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“And nobody's any different from anyone else, not when you come right down to it.”
Kami Garcia
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“Full circle. The beginning and the end.”
Kami Garcia
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“There wasn't enough chocolate in the world to make this better.”
Kami Garcia
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“Cuánto envidio a los mortales. Os creéis capaces de cambiar el mundo, detener el universo y deshacer lo hecho hace mucho tiempo”
Kami Garcia
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“Se había marchado y eso era algo para lo que no iba a estar preparado ni en cincuenta y tres días, ni en cincuenta y tres años ni en cincuenta y tres siglos.”
Kami Garcia
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“Screw all that Incubus crap. That's how you do it Mortal-style.”
Kami Garcia
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“La miré a los ojos y en ese momento supe que iba a besarla y también supe que no había nada de qué preocuparse mientras estuviéramos juntos. Y creí durante un instante que siempre lo estaríamos”
Kami Garcia
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“Ya sabes lo que solía decir tu madre, que cualquier libro es un Buen Libro y que cualquiera que cuida bien de un Buen Libro está en la Casa del Señor.”
Kami Garcia
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“¿Qué estás haciendo?Esperar.Pues vas a esperar un montón.Tengo tiempo de sobra”
Kami Garcia
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“Era realmente divertido el hecho de que cuanto más corría ella, más ganas tenía yo de seguirla”
Kami Garcia
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“I would love to say how nice it is to see you again, but that would be a lie. And I am nothing if not honest.”
Kami Garcia
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“Everyone called it Burger Math because all you learned was how to make change.”
Kami Garcia
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“Sugar and salt and kicks and kisses.”
Kami Garcia
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“The new girl looked up and caught me looking at her.I looked away, but it wasbto late. I tried not to smile, but I was embarrassed, and that only made me smile more. she didn't seem to notice.”
Kami Garcia
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“...the miserable love to watch someone else's misery. I had just about cornered the market on miserable. I was worse than miserable, lower than a flattened sloppy joe left behind on a lunchroom tray. I was alone.”
Kami Garcia
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“Finsternis kann keine Finsternis vertreiben; das vermag nur das Licht. Hass kann den Hass nicht austreiben; das vermag nur die Liebe. Martin Luther King Jr.”
Kami Garcia
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“Nothing was deceptive. Nothing was much harder to describe or fix or stop.”
Kami Garcia
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“It was always that way when we touched - a gentle jolt of electricity that intensified with our every touch.”
Kami Garcia
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“I needed to know what thread to pull. I needed to be the one who knew the right direction. She couldn't see her way clear of where she was right now, so it had to be me.”
Kami Garcia
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“I held up my glass and stared through it, where things looked as distorted as they really were.”
Kami Garcia
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“The important parts you blocked out altogether, but the random, slanted moments haunted you, replaying over and over in your mind.”
Kami Garcia
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“I don't want ta hear that kinda dirty talk comin' from you.""What, fanny? Fanny fanny fanny!”
Kami Garcia
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“I only assumed those dresses were costumes, based on the garish nature of the plumage.”
Kami Garcia
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“I would like to take this opportunity to thank the Jackson High Biology Department. Stay in school, kids- Link”
Kami Garcia
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“My mom always said, "The right thing and the easy thing are never the same.”
Kami Garcia
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“...south of Somewhere and north of Nowhere...”
Kami Garcia
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“...to see a girl who burns me and shocks me and shatters me with a single touch.”
Kami Garcia
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“Mamma was just pulling your tail to see if it squeaked.”
Kami Garcia
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“All this is on a strictly need-to-know basis. As in, nobody else needs to know.”
Kami Garcia
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“Butterflies in your stomach. That was such a crappy metaphor. More like killer bees.”
Kami Garcia
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“Link flexed his muscles. To be fair, he did nearly split his t-shirt in half.”
Kami Garcia
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“I hoped that she knew the truth--that it wasn't her fault, or my fault, or even his fault. No matter how many times I wanted to believe it was. This was my life, and this is how it was ending.”
Kami Garcia
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“Not bein' right isn't always somebody's fault. Sometimes it's just a fact, like the cards you pull.”
Kami Garcia
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“Sometimes things aren't what they seem and even a Seer can't see what's commin'.”
Kami Garcia
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“Get the hell away from my boyfriend, witch.”
Kami Garcia
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“You're nottheonlyonefalling”
Kami Garcia
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“I stared at the creased map on my wall, the thin green lineconnecting all the places I had read about. There they were, all thecities of my imaginary future, held together with tape and marker andpins. In six months, a lot had changed. There was no thin green linethat could lead me to my future anymore. Just a girl.”
Kami Garcia
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“Lena: Maybe you don't have to be a Caster to have a power.Ethan: Maybe you just have to fall for one.”
Kami Garcia
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“No puedes tomar dos caminos a la vez. Una vez coges uno, ya no puedes volver atrás.”
Kami Garcia
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“Link ripped before anyone else had a chance to react - dematerializing in a split second, like he was a pro. I couldn't believe it. The only times he'd ever ripped in front of me, he practically flattened me like a pancake.Not this time.A crack in space opened up for him, only inches in front of Abraham Ravenwood.”
Kami Garcia
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“...you cannot punish a wet child for the rain.”
Kami Garcia
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“The poems are all wrong. It's a bang, a really big bang. Not a whimper. And sometimes gold can stay.”
Kami Garcia
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“By the way, can you simplify 7x-2(4x-6)?I knew she could. She was already in Trig.What does that have to do with anything?Nothing. But I'm failing this quiz.She sighed.A Caster girlfriend had some perks.”
Kami Garcia
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“It was a promise she knew I might not be able to keep. But I made it anyway because I was going to find a way to make it true.”
Kami Garcia
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“In history, she wasn't there while we reenacted the Lincoln-Douglas Debate, and Mr. Lee tried to make me argue the Pro-Slavery side, most likely as punishment for some future "liberally minded" paper I was bound to write.”
Kami Garcia
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“It was pretty obvious Lena wanted to be asked. Another mysterious thing about girls- they want to be asked to stuff even if they don't want to go.”
Kami Garcia
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“Good for you, Ethan." That's what my poor mama would've said. Ma'am.”
Kami Garcia
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“im mortal and theres nothing you can do about itit doesn't matter cuz youll always be my baby- Beautiful Darkness”
Kami Garcia
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