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Kara Louise

Kara Louise has been writing "Pride and Prejudice" novels since 2001. She has published 8 novels, 2 that were published by Sourcebooks Publications. She was born in the San Fernando Valley, just north of Los Angeles, but moved to Kansas in 1991. She lives just outside Wichita with her husband, sharing their 10 acres with an ever changing menagerie of animals. They have one married son who lives in St. Louis..

“It is amazing, is it not, Darcy, how a violent storm can rise up out of calm, idle waters so unexpectedly? I am always surprised, but never caught off guard. We can be travelling through what we think are tranquil waters, believing everything is going exactly as planned, heading in the exact direction we want, when in the blink of an eye, everything around us is jostled, tossed around, and completely shaken up. When it has passed, we are not at all where we thought we would be when we first set out.”
Kara Louise
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“In the early hours of the morning the house was dark and quiet. […] and Elizabeth lay in bed wide awake. Images of Mr. Darcy’s face, his nod, and his tall, handsome demeanour flooded her thoughts. She knew that even if she were spared these thoughts by sleep coming upon her, he would invade her dreams. And when she did fall asleep just before dawn,he was there just as she had expected.”
Kara Louise
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