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Karen E. Quinones Miller

Karen E. Quinones Miller is the author of the Essence best selling novels Satin Doll, I’m Telling, Using What You Got, Ida B., (nominated for an NAACP Image Award for Outstanding Literary Work – Fiction), Satin Nights, and Passin’.

Miller was born and raised in Harlem and dropped out of school in the 8th grade, but later finished her education and became a reporter for The Philadelphia Inquirer.

In 1999 she self-published her first novel, Satin Doll, and sold 3,000 copies in just six weeks --and ultimately sold 28,000 copies in six months. The publishing rights to Satin Doll and a second book were ultimately sold at auction for a six-figure deal. She has subsequently been published by Simon & Schuster, Warner Books, and Grand Central Books.

Miller, who is included in the book Literary Divas: The Top 100+ Most Admired African-American Women in Literature, is a frequent and accomplished public speaker. Miller has conducted numerous publishing/self-publishing workshops that have been attended by people nationwide.

But more than anything, Miller’s passion is writing. She used her publishing company – Oshun Publishing Company, Inc. – to publish Harlem Godfather: The Rap on my Husband, Ellsworth “Bumpy” Johnson -- the first biography written about the Harlem gangster who was depicted in the movies Cotton Club, Hoodlum and American Gangster – which she co-authored along with Bumpy’s 93-year-old widow, Mayme Johnson. Oshun Publishing also recently published Raw: An Erotic Street Tale by Shay, and Prey For Love by Leyton Wint.

“I've been young & dumb, and if I were never called out on it I would now be older and dumber.”
Karen E. Quinones Miller
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“I know if I weren't writing about the things I'd like to do I'd be out doing them. Including killing a whole bunch of folks”
Karen E. Quinones Miller
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“Some folks pray on it. Me? I write about it.”
Karen E. Quinones Miller
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“I don't know what I'd do if for some reason I was no longer able to write. Commit murder, perhaps. At the very least, torture and mayhem.”
Karen E. Quinones Miller
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“I readily admit that I'm not, and have never been, big on forgiving. That doesn't mean I will seek revenge - It just means I don't forgive.”
Karen E. Quinones Miller
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“If you do something bad to me, and I say "okay, let's move on," it does not mean I forgive you.”
Karen E. Quinones Miller
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“I wear dresses most of the time.If I wore a skirt or pants my panties would show because of all the people pulling at my hem wanting something from me.”
Karen E. Quinones Miller
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“I honestly can't believe how people can think they can do dirt and not get dirty. And for those slinging mud ...take a look at your hands.”
Karen E. Quinones Miller
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“It is sad when people only use their connections & resources for themselves. How very self-centered. Use your platform to help others.”
Karen E. Quinones Miller
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“It's so good to have the opportunity to help others who have helped you. It's not about "tit for tat," it's about "I love you, too.”
Karen E. Quinones Miller
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“To call you my critic is to call you my friend.”
Karen E. Quinones Miller
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“Olofi made Oya . . . and then he realized he'd done and quickly made Oshun.”
Karen E. Quinones Miller
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“If I'm right -- and I know that you know I right -- I'm not going to continue going back and forth with you about it. Why should I waste time arguing with idiots?”
Karen E. Quinones Miller
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“It feels good to know that if I died tomorrow I would have absolutely no regrets about things I wanted to do in life but did not try.”
Karen E. Quinones Miller
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“Every author these days is an award-winning novelist. Why? Because they set up an award contest and they dub themselves the winner.”
Karen E. Quinones Miller
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“You must lose, at least once, in order to fully appreciate a win!”
Karen E. Quinones Miller
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“To be honest, I consider my very sordid past a blessing; if only because it made my wonderful present - and my bright future - possible!”
Karen E. Quinones Miller
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“I don't think bad people realize they're bad people. I bet they think they're good people who occasionally do bad. Which begs the question . . . how much bad can a good person do before being considered bad?”
Karen E. Quinones Miller
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“I've never, ever, ever -- in my entire life -- fought over a man. I've fought women who've hit me because of a man, but then I was fighting to bust her ass, not defend his.”
Karen E. Quinones Miller
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“Don't be so defensive and afraid to be proven wrong that you miss the opportunity to learn from your mistakes.”
Karen E. Quinones Miller
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“It's okay to offer criticism if your intention is to be helpful. But if you only criticize when there is an audience to applaud and snicker...For shame!!”
Karen E. Quinones Miller
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“No, I'm not in a bad mood. Why do you ask? You think I need to be in a bad mood to let you know I think you're an idiot?”
Karen E. Quinones Miller
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“One of the best reasons for eating alone is the assurance that you will enjoy the company.”
Karen E. Quinones Miller
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“I'm not really crazy about all this tit-for-tat stuff. I'm always asked to be the one to first give up the tit.”
Karen E. Quinones Miller
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“What's the point in living if you're not really going to live? Time's limited - choose to enjoy yourself.”
Karen E. Quinones Miller
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“If he mistreated and abused his last girlfriend, why would you want to be his new girlfriend?”
Karen E. Quinones Miller
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“If you don't like men who physically abuse women, stop telling your son it's okay to hit a little girl if she's bothering him.”
Karen E. Quinones Miller
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“If you have to call the police on your man, then you'd better choices. If not, what have you taught him? Better him in jail this time rather than you in the morgue the next time.”
Karen E. Quinones Miller
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“If every time you call him you simply get his voice mail, and every time he calls you he wants to come over and "chill" at your place -- admit it; you're just a jump-off.”
Karen E. Quinones Miller
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“How can you think it's cool when he calls you his bitch, but then get upset when he treats you like a dog?”
Karen E. Quinones Miller
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“Stop spending so much time trying to prove what you already know to people who don't really matter. It just makes you look insecure and lacking self-confidence.”
Karen E. Quinones Miller
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“I may not be perfect, but God knows I'm trying . . . and God knowing should count for something.”
Karen E. Quinones Miller
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“Life it too short to deal with crazy people.”
Karen E. Quinones Miller
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“When someone tells me "no," it doesn't mean I can't do it, it simply means I can't do it with them.”
Karen E. Quinones Miller
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