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Karen Elliott House

KAREN HOUSE is a graduate of the University of Texas at Austin. She studied and taught at Harvard University's Institute of Politics and holds honorary degrees from Boston University (2003) and Lafayette College (1992). She was also a senior fellow at the John F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University.

“The Al Saud believe they have an asset more powerful than the ballot box: they have Allah.”
Karen Elliott House
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“Saudis of all sorts recent having to beg princes for favors to secure services that should be a public right”
Karen Elliott House
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“What unites conservatives and modernizers and young and old, is a hunger not for freedom but for justice; for genuine rule of law, not rule by royal whim. They want a government that is a transparent and accountable, one that provides standards services such as are available in far less wealthy societies: good education, job, affordable housing , and decent health care.”
Karen Elliott House
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