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Karen Essex

I'm the author of KLEOPATRA, PHARAOH, LEONARDO'S SWANS, STEALING ATHENA, DRACULA IN LOVE, AND BETTIE PAGE: LIFE OF A PINUP LEGEND--All featuring iconic women. I am also an active screenwriter and an award-winning journalist. I divide my time between Los Angeles and Europe, where I soak in the atmosphere while writing historical fiction.

Please see my blog, "Women, History, Sex, & Power" at http://karenessex.com/main/?cat=1.

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“...the world we learned as children to fear---the milieu of goblins, ghosts, spirits, and magic - when it is the tangible world that is rife with unimaginable horrors. The truth is, we must fear monsters less and be warier of our own kind.-from Dracula In Love”
Karen Essex
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“Everyone has a secret life. Perhaps yours is merely a gossamer web of thoughts and fantasies woven in the hidden furrows of your mind. Or furtive deeds performed on the sly or betrayals large and small that, if revealed, would change how you are perceived. -Dracula in Love by Karen Essex”
Karen Essex
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“The point of my books is to give voice to otherwise voiceless females from history and myth, to unlock what has been secreted away in women's hearts and minds for millennia. Historically, women have either been reduced to nothing but their sexuality or stripped of it entirely: the Madonna or the whore.”
Karen Essex
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“One hundred copies? Of these poems you do not even like?” asked the Roman. “They’re nasty bits about famous people; everyone will want them.”
Karen Essex
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“Mother Astarte who creates and destroys. Kybele, goddess of all that is, was, and ever shall be,” he invoked.”
Karen Essex
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