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Karen Luellen

A little about myself...

My husband Joe and I live in the still wild open spaces about two hours northwest of Dallas. Our days are filled with business and our nights are usually spent working on a project together somewhere around the house or yard. We have two amazing adult kids out doing their part to make the world a better place, by the grace of God.

So, with the house feeling too quiet, we (read: I) decided we needed to find a baby cat we could dote on (and I could hold like a baby from time to time.)

And there he was. I saw him in an online ad.

He was one of 25 kittens born to a feral colony. It was love at first sight!

That was two years ago, and now the runt-of-the-litter who had to be bottle fed by the rescue volunteers, has blossomed into a handsome, super fluffy, 17lb Maine Coon named "Atlas the Destroyer!"***

He earned his name by freaking out the instant he came home to us. The rescue volunteer released him from his kitten-sized pet carrier carefully, trying to ease him into the unfamiliar environment, but the kitty had other ideas.

The scrawny flash of fur leaped up on the kitchen counter sending papers and dishes flying, dashed across the knobs of the stove, and sprang straight up in the corner of the cabinets, disappearing for an instant before landing eight feet up on top of the cabinets with a soft thud of his paws, and one more crash.

All this happened in less than 10 seconds!

I looked around at the destruction left in the wake of that frightened big-pawed, baby cat.

Dishes were broken on the floor, and freshly notarized documents were torn up. One of the burners on the stove glowed red hot as he must have turned it on running across the knobs, and the biggest Houdini move of all... We didn't even know how he jumped up and through the cabinets until we looked. Sure enough, there was a six-inch-by-six-inch opening in the back corner of the cabinets where they met.

Hence "Atlas the Destroyer" pretty much named himself.

So, a bit of a news flash, I changed careers (aka my day job) and with a wistful but ready heart, I hung up my kindergarten teacher's paint-covered apron and moved into a whole different career field.

But even though I no longer have to wear machine-washable clothes (in hot, with Clorox) to teach, I still have not given up my need to be surrounded by positivity, creativity, and light.

It's been a minute since I've released a novel, but don't worry. I've got something in the works and will share as soon as possible.

I do hope you're well and enjoying all the small things rather than taking them for granted. Small things, like a wild, scrawny, kitten, can cure the most cynical if given the chance.

With heartfelt prayers for humanity, I fervently work toward doing my part to return to an era of God-loving, hard-working, persevering, responsible, faith-filled Americans who treat others the way they want to be treated.


Karen Luellen

***That was to have been read in a booming, echo-y, warrior's bellow that left everyone's ears ringing and tails tucked!

So, go ahead. Try it again. I'll wait.



(Or you can call him Attie for short - especially when approaching meekly holding a Costco-sized bag of salmon-flavored treats.)

“And here she was. Lying on the floor of a dusty, empty, locked room thinking how grateful she felt.She smiled, though it hurt tremendously to do so, thinking how blessed she had been to have spent twelve years with the most precious gifts from God. She felt honored that they called her mother. She knew she had done the best she could teaching them about life and love, faith and family. Margo lay slowly dying from the wounds inflicted by a monster, but she was at peace. Because though the devil meant it for evil, God turned it to good.”
Karen Luellen
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“You ran miles and miles to find me, didn’t you? You clever boy! I don’t know if I should be scolding you or hugging you!” And with that, I wrapped my weak arms around my knight in furry armor. “You’re the best friend a girl could ever have, Maze. I love you.”
Karen Luellen
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“So, you ready to let us in on your plan, Meg?” Alik spoke just above a whisper, though we were completely isolated. I think he was worried I was going to get all moody and crazy on him. Poor fellow. It must be tough living with a walking emotional superconductor all the time.”
Karen Luellen
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“If you're a writer, you'll know it by the distinct feeling of only being able to breathe properly when alone with your characters. All other times, I'm panting--just pining for the next time I can be with them.”
Karen Luellen
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