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Karen Martin

I've published four business books. Value Stream Mapping is now available for order: www.bit.ly/VSMbk. The Outstanding Organization (www.bit.ly/TOObk), represents my foray into hard cover leadership books. My other two, Metrics-Based Process Mapping (www.bit.ly/MBPMbk) and The Kaizen Event Planner (www.bit.ly/TKEPbk), contain practical tools that support an organization's journey to "outstandingness."

In addition to writing, I keynote frequently and maintain a full client load. For more information, please visit my website www.ksmartin.com and join us on any of the social media sites listed on my home page.

To receive my blog posts, and up-to-date tips, resources and announcements, please subscribe to my list: www.ksmartin.com/subscribe.

In addition to my passion for organizational improvement, I love food and wine, yoga, and power walking along the beach.

“Chaos is the enemy of any organization the strives to be outstanding.”
Karen Martin
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“Chaos is NOT a condition of doing business.”
Karen Martin
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“If you want engagement, you must engage.”
Karen Martin
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“When everything is a priority, nothing is a priority.”
Karen Martin
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