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Karen Romano Young

Karen Romano Young is the author of young adult novels as well as nonfiction books and magazine articles. Although Small Worlds: Maps and Mapmaking is her first book for Scholastic, she has contributed to Scholastic magazines for the past twenty years. Her other credits include Cricket, National Geographic World, and The Guinness Book of World Records.

Member: Society of Children's Book Writers and Illustrators, Authors Guild, National Marine Educators Association.

Honors Awards: Smithsonian Best Book Award, and Oppenheimer Toy Portfolio Gold Medal, both 2002, both for Small Worlds: Maps and Mapmaking.

“I sort of like you," she said. "God knows why. You're weird as anything, and I hate the creepy way you lurk around following me. You could just ask me to go somewhere, you know.""Like you'd go." Dion said."Not if I didn't want to.""Then I'd have to try.""What?" She looked him sharply in the eye."To make you want to.”
Karen Romano Young
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