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Karen Sandler

Karen Sandler adores writing characters with less-than-perfect lives, who feel deeply, but don't always share those emotions out loud. Her heroes and heroines have been through dark times, but still reach toward the light. They are always worthy of love and redemption. Happy endings, guaranteed.

In addition to writing novels, Karen loves riding her beautiful Arab mare, Sashey La Fey (aka, Shey), and is an avid folk dancer. She lives in Northern California with her husband and dance partner, Gary, and two cats--ginger cat Alani and former feral Zak.

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“My nurture mother never would have reset me. And I was never a kit. Or a ‘female.’ I might be a non-human, but I’m not an animal. I’m a girl.”
Karen Sandler
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“I think one of the prophets stuttered when he dictated your specs,” Jal said, snickering. “Or the gene-splicer was daydreaming about his high-status trueborn love and he botched your programming.”
Karen Sandler
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