Karin Boye photo

Karin Boye

Karin Boye was a Swedish poet and novelist.

She is perhaps most famous for her poems, of which the most well-known ought to be "Yes, of course it hurts" (Swedish: "Ja visst gör det ont") and "In motion" (Swedish: "I rörelse"). She also wrote a few novels including "Kallocain". Inspired by the rise of National Socialism in Germany, it was a portrayal of a dystopian society in the vein of Orwell's Nineteen Eighty-Four and Huxley's Brave New World (though written almost a decade before Nineteen Eighty-Four). In the novel, an idealistic scientist named Leo Kall invents Kallocain, a kind of truth serum.

Boye died in an apparent suicide when swallowing sleeping-pills after leaving home on April 23, 1941.

“Hur kan jag säga om din röst är vacker.Jag vet ju bara, att den genomtränger migoch kommer mig att darra som ett lövoch trasar sönder mig och spränger mig.”
Karin Boye
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“The sated day is never firstThe best day is a day of thirstYes, there is goal and meaning in our path -but it is the way that is the labour's worth.”
Karin Boye
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“Den mätta dagen, den är aldrig störstDen bästa dagen, är en dag av törstNog finns det mål och mening i vår färdMen det är vägen, som är mödan värd”
Karin Boye
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“Denn eine Sache ist, daß der Kaffee gut ist, eine andere, daß man sich das nicht ohne weiteres als selbstverständlich anmerken lassen darf.”
Karin Boye
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