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Karin Gillespie

National Bestselling novelist and a Midwestern girl who, after forty years in Georgia, is still trying to get the hang of being Southern.

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“If you're going to walk on thin ice, you might as well dance.”
Karin Gillespie
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“Fear knocked and faith answered.”
Karin Gillespie
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“Don't sweat the petty things and don't pet the sweaty things.”
Karin Gillespie
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“Bacteria is the only culture some people have.”
Karin Gillespie
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“Jesus is the quicker picker-upper.”
Karin Gillespie
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“My aim is to keep this bathroom clean. Your aim will help.”
Karin Gillespie
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“When someone gets you hot and bothered, turn on the prayer conditioner.”
Karin Gillespie
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“Beware the high cost of low living.”
Karin Gillespie
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“The higher the hair, the closer to God.”
Karin Gillespie
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“Stop, Drop, and Roll won't work in Hell.”
Karin Gillespie
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“Consciousness is that annoying time between naps.”
Karin Gillespie
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“Friends don't let friends take home ugly men.”
Karin Gillespie
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“Church Parking Only.Violaters will be baptized.”
Karin Gillespie
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“A closed mouth gathers no foot.”
Karin Gillespie
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“Don't be so openminded your brain falls out.”
Karin Gillespie
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