New Zealander Karina Bliss has written a biography for a rock star, swapped identities with her twin, raised three orphaned children with her ex husband, worn a cow costume to a Bachelor and Spinster ball, considered marriage for the sake of a baby, and been mayor of a small town.
Oh wait, that’s her characters.
Outside her imagination, she’s always been a professional writer, first as a travel journalist and then as a romance author. Her deeply held convictions include: love conquers all; yoga pants are daywear; and what a woman really wants is a man who cleans. Unfortunately, she does not live with one, (nor indeed has raised one). Please buy her books so she can pay for one.
She has also swum with sharks. They were very small. Babies, really. But still count.
Career highlights have included being the first Australasian to win a Golden Heart from the Romance Writers of America. Her debut, Mr Imperfect, won a Romantic Book of the Year Award in Australia, and her first self-published title, RISE, a rock star romance also finaled.
Other books in the Rock Solid series are FALL, PLAY and (coming soon), RESURRECTION.
Find out more and sign up to her newsletter at
Twitter @BlissKarina
“You know what I wish for?” she said through a tight throat. “What Ireally need? A man who loves me enough to stay.”
“Are you going to kiss me or not?”He released the jacket. “Not,” he rasped.“Then I’ll kiss you.” Cupping his nape, she drew his head down, butNate laid his fingertips over her mouth.“Some things you can’t take back.”Claire lifted his hand. “Some things you don’t want to.”
“You dumb asshole,” Ross said to Nate.“You could be a freakin’ amoeba andyou’d still be a brother. And the only reason I’m not throwing a punchright now is because you had such a dipshit upbringing you don’t get that.”
“We've had fifteen years of being grown-ups when we could have got together and we never have. Doesn't that tell you something?''Yeah, that timing is everything. Hit on me again now.”
“I'm a very truthful person, but if the greater good is best served by a lie then I'll tell it.”
“Everyone knows marriage is hard work. So if you've chosen the shackles, quit whining and get on with it.”
“Liar,' he said in disgust. 'You're still playing doctors and nurses with the guy you screwed Charlie over with.' Her mouth fell open. 'Don't worry, I won't tell my brother. He's got enough to deal with.''I would never have an affair.''See here's where you and I part ways on our definition of fidelity,' he said. 'I think tonsil hockey with another man is off the agenda for a married woman. Call me old-fashioned.'Her fury was unexpected. 'Who started that rumor...who!''What are you talking about? You admitted it.”
“Her expression shut faster than a poked clam. 'I'll just get a cardigan.'He might not be a hellraiser anymore but Devin valued his reputation. 'Haven't you got anything sexy?''Yes,' said Rachel, 'my mind.”