Karl Lagerfeld photo

Karl Lagerfeld

Karl Otto Lagerfeld was a German creative director, artist, photographer and caricaturist who lived in Paris. He was known as the creative director of the French luxury fashion house Chanel (from 1983 until his death), as well as creative director of the Italian fur and leather goods fashion house Fendi and his own eponymous fashion label. Over the decades, he collaborated on a variety of fashion and art-related projects.

Source: wikipedia

“Τα βιβλία είναι ένα σκληρό ναρκωτικό χωρίς κίνδυνο υπερβολικής δόσης. Είμαι το ευτυχισμένο θύμα των βιβλίων”
Karl Lagerfeld
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“I'm never content with what I do. I live in a sort of permanent dissatisfaction. I think that's the secret to doing things well.”
Karl Lagerfeld
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“These are fat mummies sitting with their bags of crisps in front of the television, saying that thin models are ugly. Fashion is about dreams and illusions, and no one wants to see round women.”
Karl Lagerfeld
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“Respect is not creative ... Chanel is an institution, and you have to treat an institution like a whore — and then you get something out of her.”
Karl Lagerfeld
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“For every book you buy, you should buy the time to read it.”
Karl Lagerfeld
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“I don't like standard beauty - there is no beauty without strangeness.”
Karl Lagerfeld
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“What is the worst is a fashion designer who talks all the time of his or her creativity, what they are, how they evolved. Just do it and shut up.”
Karl Lagerfeld
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“I'm very down to Earth, I'm just not from this Earth.”
Karl Lagerfeld
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“Stuff your brain with knowledge.”
Karl Lagerfeld
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“I never touch sugar, cheese, bread... I only like what I'm allowed to like. I'm beyond temptation. There is no weakness. When I see tons of food in the studio, for us and for everybody, for me it's as if this stuff was made out of plastic. The idea doesn't even enter my mind that a human being could put that into their mouth. I'm like the animals in the forest. They don't touch what they cannot eat.”
Karl Lagerfeld
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“I’m very much down to earth, just not this earth.”
Karl Lagerfeld
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“Fashion is about two things: the evolution and the opposite.”
Karl Lagerfeld
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“Luxury is the ease of a t-shirt in a very expensive dress.”
Karl Lagerfeld
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“The elegance is as physical, as moral quality that has nothing common with the clothing. You can see a countrywoman more elegant than one so called elegant woman.”
Karl Lagerfeld
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“Reinvent new combinations of what you already own. Improvise. Become more creative. Not because you have to, but because you want to. Evolution is the secret for the next step.”
Karl Lagerfeld
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“Buy what you don’t have yet, or what you really want, which can be mixed with what you already own. Buy only because something excites you, not just for the simple act of shopping.”
Karl Lagerfeld
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“Never use the word “cheap”. Today everybody can look chic in inexpensive clothes (the rich buy them too). There is good clothing design on every level today. You can be the chicest thing in the world in a T-shirt and jeans — it’s up to you.”
Karl Lagerfeld
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“Forgiveness is too easy. I can forget by indifference, but not forgive. I prefer revenge.”
Karl Lagerfeld
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“Books are a hard-bound drug with no danger of an overdose. I am the happy victim of books.”
Karl Lagerfeld
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“I'm very severe with myself and sometimes I miss French cheese, but in your world it's not exactly the same thing.”
Karl Lagerfeld
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“Sweatpants are a sign of defeat. You lost control of your life so you bought some sweatpants.”
Karl Lagerfeld
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“I buy my shoes a size too small. I like the way it feels.”
Karl Lagerfeld
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“La mode n'est ni morale, ni amorale, mais elle est faite pour remonter le moral.”
Karl Lagerfeld
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“Mon plus grand luxe est de n'avoir à me justifier auprès de personne.”
Karl Lagerfeld
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“Ma curiosité est insatiable, je vampirise l’air du temps.”
Karl Lagerfeld
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“The woman is the most perfect doll that i have dressed with delight and admiration.”
Karl Lagerfeld
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“Youthfulness is about how you live not when you were born.”
Karl Lagerfeld
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“The only love that I really believe in is a mother’s love for her children.”
Karl Lagerfeld
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“I do my job like I breathe — so if I can’t breathe I’m in trouble.”
Karl Lagerfeld
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“I like to reinvent myself — it’s part of my job.”
Karl Lagerfeld
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“Dieting is the only game where you win when you lose!”
Karl Lagerfeld
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“People who say that yesterday was better than today are ultimately devaluing their own existence.”
Karl Lagerfeld
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“Fashion is a language that creates itself in clothes to interpret reality.”
Karl Lagerfeld
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“Absurdity and anti—absurdity are the two poles of creative energy.”
Karl Lagerfeld
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“When people want to be liked for what they did, they should stop.”
Karl Lagerfeld
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“Fashion is about going ahead, not about memory.”
Karl Lagerfeld
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“I had an interview once with some German journalist—some horrible, ugly woman. It was in the early days after the communists—maybe a week after—and she wore a yellow sweater that was kind of see-through. She had huge tits and a huge black bra, and she said to me, ‘It’s impolite; remove your glasses.’ I said, ‘Do I ask you to remove your bra?”
Karl Lagerfeld
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“Clear thinking at the wrong moment can stifle creativity.”
Karl Lagerfeld
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“I want everyone to wear what they want and mix it in their own way. That, to me, is what is modern.”
Karl Lagerfeld
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“One is never over-dressed or underdressed with a Little Black Dress.”
Karl Lagerfeld
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“Forgiveness isn’t something I’m preoccupied with — turning the other cheek isn’t my trip.”
Karl Lagerfeld
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“People who do a job that claims to be creative have to be alone to recharge their batteries. You can’t live 24 hours a day in the spotlight and remain creative. For people like me, solitude is a victory.”
Karl Lagerfeld
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“If you stick to something doggedly, you are off to a bad start.”
Karl Lagerfeld
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“In a meat-eating world, wearing leather for shoes and even clothes, the discussion of fur is childish.”
Karl Lagerfeld
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“I would like to be a one-man multinational fashion phenomenon.”
Karl Lagerfeld
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“Fashion and music are the same, because music express its period too.”
Karl Lagerfeld
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“Fashion is neither moral or immoral, but it is for rebuilding the morale.”
Karl Lagerfeld
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“The secret to modeling is not being perfect. What one needs is a face that people can identify in a second. You have to be given what’s needed by nature, and what’s needed is to bring something new.”
Karl Lagerfeld
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“Fashion is ephemeral, dangerous and unfair.”
Karl Lagerfeld
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“We need houses as we need clothes, architecture stimulates fashion. It’s like hunger and thirst — you need them both.”
Karl Lagerfeld
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