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Karol Jackowski

“Before you die, give some serious thought to vowing holy disobedience whenever necessary. Discerning and knowing why one would choose to disobey is by far the most serious and mysterious part of listening to the voice of the Gods. It's also a recurring theme throughout the Bible. Biblical stories tell of four extraordinary circumstances that call for divinely inspired disobedience: the situation is unbearable and survival is at stake; the call to disobey promises deliverance; acts of disobedience would relieve oppression; and last but not least, swift, immediate divine intervention is not at all likely. The only divine reasons for disobedience are those that come from God and contain moral imperatives to set yourself and others free... Given the sad shape of authority in this world, it's not a bad practice for everyone to vow before they die.”
Karol Jackowski
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“At the time I vaguely knew that when anything stirs us that deeply, moves us to the point of distraction, and urgently invites us to follow, we must pack up, go, and be not afraid. Never fear the less-traveled road. Respect such mysterious calls always and take them seriously. Never ever minimize or regard them as foolishness.”
Karol Jackowski
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“I never knew why or how writing could be so important until I learned about the no-talking rule and found that writing was the only way I could talk whenever I wanted. Writing always came to the rescue when I had to keep silent, and thereby became one of the greatest and most divine comforts I knew. What I couldn't say out loud I could always say in a note, letter, or journal first. And whenever I felt totally speechless, writing always allowed me to find the necessary words.”
Karol Jackowski
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“Before religion got organized, faith in God meant trusting your intuition, your gut instinct, as divine. It meant always letting conscience be your guide. For believers, the whole world was charged with the grandeur of Gods and all of life was sacred. Those were the good old days.”
Karol Jackowski
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“You can take great comfort now in knowing that after a while, everything that happens to you, everything you dig up, even all the dirt, becomes exceedingly precious and simply divine. Strange but true. Strange because it doesn't readily make sense, but true because the deeper you go, the closer you get and the closer you get, the more peaceful and indestructible you become. Being more firmly grounded, and having acquired considerable depth, you are no longer easily thrown or confused by the fickle finger of fate, not easily so paralyzed or disturbed by circumstances beyond your control; you are centered.”
Karol Jackowski
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“The parts of life that hurt and make us sick and tired, those are the places to start digging. Dig also in those places where you've been taken to the limit as well as those that lie motionless and at a standstill. The land of the soul is an open field for digging, and any sign of disturbing activity or suspicious inactivity is a big clue about where to start.”
Karol Jackowski
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“Depth is a big goal for all believers, because life as we know it makes no sense without it. Without it we're all lost souls, left to wander as we wonder if that's all there is. While with insight we find out very best self, with depth we find our very best God. Eventually wisdom comes, embraces us, and shows us both are really one and the same.”
Karol Jackowski
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“By the grace of that God all disappointments, failures, mistakes, even tragedies become part of the winding path of our lives, given as turning points, and loaded with divine insight - should we care and have the strength to see.”
Karol Jackowski
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“Whatever moves you bears divine insight.”
Karol Jackowski
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“Finding your best self and being that person is the end result of getting some insight. To be or not to be is always the question. If you don't find your best self, others will find many accommodating selves for you, often yielding sad, sometimes disastrous consequences.”
Karol Jackowski
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“Limitations, boundaries, comfort zones, knowing when to stop, the point beyond which we do not go without hurting or getting hurt. All are created equal in order to keep us from destroying others and ourselves in the endless pursuit of happiness. Without a few basic guidelines for living happily ever after, the capacity to get lost, seriously hurt, or killed greatly magnifies.”
Karol Jackowski
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