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Karsten Knight

Karsten Knight is the author of the historical mystery NIGHTINGALE, SING, the time-traveling thriller PATCHWORK, and the Polynesian volcano goddess trilogy WILDEFIRE (Simon & Schuster)--though some say his writing career peaked at the age of six, when he completed a picture book series about an adventurous worm. He is a graduate of College of the Holy Cross and earned an MFA in writing for children from Simmons College. Karsten resides in Boston, where he lives for fall weather, bowling, and football season. For more information on Karsten or his books, please visit www.karstenknightbooks.com.

“Dad always says, 'If you can't stand out, then you should just sit down.”
Karsten Knight
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“Jackie patted her on the shoulder, "you know what you need?"Ash peeked out from between her fingers."Eight hours of rest before tomorrows exam? Bug spray that repels assholes?”
Karsten Knight
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“Ashline Wilde was a human mood ring.”
Karsten Knight
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“Seductive pull of the forest, an open canvas for trouble.”
Karsten Knight
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“Ash sighed after he left, feeling somehow even more exhausted than she had when she'd crawled into bed the night before. She climbed back under the covers and closed her eyes. Just in time for more knocking on the door. "I hate everybody," Ash mumbled into her pillow...”
Karsten Knight
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“Without missing a beat he said, “This year, Santa, I’d like a pony and an Easy-Bake Oven.”Raja grunted and pushed him off to the side. “You’ll be getting coal in a place where it hurts if you ever attempt to sit in my lap again.”
Karsten Knight
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“Colt has the subtlety of a car alarm.”
Karsten Knight
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“Don't get me wrong—he's hot as hell, and in another life I would have liked to wear him as a mink coat. But when your first thought about someone is wondering whether they're some sort of handsome woodland serial killer, it's hard to build an attraction.”
Karsten Knight
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“The look she gave him in reply would have petrified Medusa.”
Karsten Knight
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“This may be impossible for you to believe," Colt said in a hushed voice, "but as recently as last year, I was a hyper, naive-albeit extremely good-looking-minor myself.""And now you're a persistent, outdoorsy, unshaven man-boy who cavorts with clones of your former self?"Colt plucked a round stone out of the water. "I prefer boy-man, but the rest of the sentence sounded fairly accurate.”
Karsten Knight
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