Kartini photo


Raden Ayu Kartini, (21 April 1879 – 17 September 1904), or sometimes known as Raden Ajeng Kartini, was a prominent Javanese and an Indonesian national heroine. Kartini was a pioneer in the area of women's rights for Indonesians.

After Raden Adjeng Kartini died, Mr J. H. Abendanon, the Minister for Culture, Religion and Industry in the East Indies, collected and published the letters that Kartini had sent to her friends in Europe. The book was titled Door Duisternis tot Licht (Out of Dark Comes Light) and was published in 1911. It went through five editions, with some additional letters included in the final edition, and was translated into English by Agnes L. Symmers and published under the title Letters of a Javanese Princess.

The publication of R.A. Kartini's letters, written by a native Javanese woman, attracted great interest in the Netherlands and Kartini's ideas began to change the way the Dutch viewed native women in Java. Her ideas also provided inspiration for prominent figures in the fight for Independence.

(from Wikipedia)

“Perkembangan intelektual masih belum merupakan surat ijazah untuk kesusilaan.”
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“Kalau anak laki-laki itu mementingkan diri sendiri, maka itu bukan salah mereka, itu terletak pada pendidikannya, mereka dibuat demikian. Mereka mendapat semuanya, boleh semuanya dan apa yang tidak mereka ambil, itu baik untuk anak-anak perempuan.”
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“Cita-cita itu ialah memperindah martabat manusia, memuliakannya, mendekatkan pada Kesempurnaan.”
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“Barangsiapa tidak berani, dia tidak bakal menang, itulah semboyanku! Maju! Semua harus dimulai dengan berani! Pemberani-pemberani memenangkan tiga perempat dunia!”
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