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Karyn Bosnak

Karyn Bosnak was born and raised in the suburbs of Chicago. After spending much of her early career as a television producer, she moved to New York in 2000 and became a writer. Her first book, the memoir SAVE KARYN (based on the website of the same name), received international media attention when it was published in 2003 resulting in appearances on the Today Show and 20/20. Karyn's second book and first novel, 20 TIMES A LADY, was published in 2006 and became the 2011 feature film "WHAT'S YOUR NUMBER?" starring Anna Faris and Chris Evans. To find out what Karyn's up to, visit www.karynbosnak.com.

“To everyone who's ever second-guessed a decision they've made, our past makes us who we are. Have no regrets.”
Karyn Bosnak
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“When you are really in love, when it's the right guy, it's not this hard. Things fall into place; they work. If it's meant to be, it'll work itself out.”
Karyn Bosnak
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“Just because someone came back for you is no reason to be with them. Just because someone loves you is no reason to love them back.”
Karyn Bosnak
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“Life is funny; it really is.”
Karyn Bosnak
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“I don't care that I'm taking a chance. I don't care that I may get my heart broken. If I don't at least give this a chance, I'll never be able to live with myself. I love this. I love this because it's funny. I love this because it's silly. I love him, I love him, I love him! And just like that...my heart goes boom.”
Karyn Bosnak
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“Life is filled with pain and beauty. It's a journey, a learning experience. You've always been a girl who has had to learn by doing, not by watching and listening--don't change that. Don't change that now--you're too young.”
Karyn Bosnak
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“If you're going to remember anything from your past, then do so fondly because you can't change a thing about it.”
Karyn Bosnak
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“But if you're going to think about your past, rather than dwell on the reasons you shouldn't have done something, remember the reasons you did. I mean, everything we do in life has some element of right and wrong to it.”
Karyn Bosnak
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“Everything you do in life, whether it's good or bad, makes you who you are. Don't maybe your decisions to death because you can't change them.”
Karyn Bosnak
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“There are the choices that we make and the consequences, that's all.”
Karyn Bosnak
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“Listen, my timing might be bad, but my intentions are good.”
Karyn Bosnak
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“...He's a wonderful person and I'd fall head over heels in love with him if I haven't already, there's no doubt about it. And there's no doubt that he'd eventually leave me. There's no way anything between us would go somewhere. I'm done with flings. I want the next thing--the real thing.”
Karyn Bosnak
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“I'm bad at relationships--I'm not gonna lie. And maybe you and I would be a mistake, but maybe we wouldn't. All I know is that if we don't try, we'll never know.”
Karyn Bosnak
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“I meant just because someone came back for you is no reason to be with them; just because someone loves you is no reason to love them back.”
Karyn Bosnak
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“Do you ever think you're being an idealist? Do you ever wonder if you're holding out for something that doesn't exist? I'm not being pessimistic, and although I'd like to believe that a boom or we or us exists, I'm not sure I do anymore. Maybe I've been holding out for something that's unrealistic.”
Karyn Bosnak
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“My grandpa calls that the boom. He says it's different from love or lust; it's deeper. it's a feeling that hits you hard when you have a real connection with someone.”
Karyn Bosnak
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“You know that excuse... it's not you it's me? I say that a lot, when I break up with someone, but I don't really mean it when I do. I'm not the reason my relationships end but neither are the women. It's not me and it's not them--it's that we never had a we. There was no us. It's hard to say what makes two people have that, because it's something you can't put into words. It's a feeling, I know it's only a movie, but I want the feeling that Lloyd had. He didn't just want Diane, he needed her, so he did everything in his power to get her back.”
Karyn Bosnak
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“I don't have a list or anything. I just haven't met that person that I want to hold a boom box up for yet.”
Karyn Bosnak
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“...My grandpa has always told us that you know you're in love when your heart goes "boom." The way he explained this "boom" is that it's not the giddy feeling you get when you first meet someone; it's deeper than that. It's more of a low, bellowing boom that resonates in your body the moment you realize you need someone, you love someone. It's more a boooom than a boom! I have yet to feel it.”
Karyn Bosnak
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“Wearing my scarlet dress and high heels, I walk down the street a proud woman. A woman flawed, but still, a woman who takes chances, a woman who has loved and been loved. To go out on a limb (or twenty -or forty or sixty, for that matter) is what life is about. It's about trying until you get it right. I'm okay with where I'm at right now. I still don't have a job, a loft, a husband, or kids - but I have me. My grandpa is right. I can maybe maybe myself to death or make peace with the past, with any mistakes I might have made, remember the good times and move forward.”
Karyn Bosnak
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