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Kat Kruger

Kat Kruger is a best-selling freelance game designer at her owner-operated company, Steampunk Unicorn Studio. Her previous projects include: HeroQuest, Betrayal at Baldur's Gate, and various D&D adventures. In the TTRPG sphere she has most notably contributed to the inaugural Uncaged Anthology and Eyes Unclouded. She is also the Dungeon Master on the family-friendly, actual-play podcast d20 Dames. When she's not writing or editing games, she's raising a geeky toddler with her partner and their dachshund in Seattle.

“She inches closer so we’re practically sharing the same air. Maybe we are, because I’m light-headed.”
Kat Kruger
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“To them he’s the slightly less frightening alternative to the grim reaper.”
Kat Kruger
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“Real life isn't made up of heroes and villains. Just ordinary people making choices they have to live with.”
Kat Kruger
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“I'm some sort of guinea pig in a home economics crash course for werewolves.”
Kat Kruger
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“Among wilderness survival tips, punching a wild animal in the face probably isn’t on a checklist.”
Kat Kruger
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“On my first day of kindergarten, I bit a kid. Hard. In my defense, he deserved it.”
Kat Kruger
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“There’s a long, uncomfortable silence in which I contemplate what might happen next. Maybe like the villain in a movie, this is where she gives me a long spiel about her hard-up life before she kills me. Not that I totally believe she’s nefarious. Real life isn’t made up of heroes and villains. Just ordinary people making choices they have to live with.”
Kat Kruger
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