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Kate Angell

“I bought a big-ass house and haven't decorated it yet," Psycho replied defensively. "Patio furniture looks good in my living room. I don'thave a lamp. The red and green Christmas lights work just fine.""The lights blink.""So do I.”
Kate Angell
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“I never wanted you lost, Em, only to find me.”
Kate Angell
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“Celibate? He lived and breathed sex. Considered sex the eighth wonder of the world. Suffering blue balls was for teenagers. Not grown men.”
Kate Angell
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“Secondhand pieces have the most soul.”
Kate Angell
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“Birthdays should come every day. Especially when you missed so many as a kid.”
Kate Angell
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“Adrenaline is my drug of choice.”
Kate Angell
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“With honesty, what hurts at the moment won't hurt for a lifetime.”
Kate Angell
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“I believe if something needs to be said, people should say it. Blunt doesn't stab as deep as being cut by a secret.”
Kate Angell
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“A good memory, I'm sure," Zen returned. "But a memory nonetheless.”
Kate Angell
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“I'm not looking for love," she tried to explain."If it comes my way, that makes it twice as special.”
Kate Angell
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“A good friend will come and bail you out of jail, but a best friend will be sitting next to you saying, 'Damn, that was fun'!”
Kate Angell
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“Life shifts, sometimes shakes like an earthquake.”
Kate Angell
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Kate Angell
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“Outer beauty attracts, but inner beauty captivates.”
Kate Angell
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“I like when you look at me like you can’t figure me out. You’re considering getting to know me, but you’re not sure I’m worth your time.”
Kate Angell
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