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Kate Manning

A former documentary television producer (for WNET-13, where she won two Emmy Awards), Kate Manning would rather read than watch TV. She has written for The New York Times, The Washington Post, The Guardian, The Los Angeles Times, Glamour, and Time magazine. She has taught writing at Bard High School Early College in New York City where she lives with her family. Early endorsements of her new novel, Gilded Mountain, are from authors Erik Larson, ("Brilliant. I raced through it.") Christina Baker Kline ("So immersive, so richly imagined.") Carol Edgarian ("Remarkably panoramic") and Marybeth Keane ("love, sorrow, revenge, joy, Gilded Mountain hums with all of these..." Pub date 11/1/22.

“Because I couldn't trust anything, especially not myself. How could I be lying there next to him with these snakes of doubt worming around in my heart? It was not honest.”
Kate Manning
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