Katherine Applegate is the author of The One and Only Ivan, winner of the 2013 Newbery Medal. Her novel Crenshaw spent over twenty weeks on the New York Times children's bestseller list, and her first middle-grade stand-alone novel, the award-winning Home of the Brave, continues to be included on state reading lists, summer reading lists, and class reading lists.
Katherine has written three picture books: The Buffalo Storm; The Remarkable True Story of Ivan, the Shopping Mall Gorilla (often used as a companion book to The One and Only Ivan for younger readers); and Sometimes You Fly (publishing in spring, 2018). For beginning readers, Katherine wrote Roscoe Riley Rules, a seven-book series.
With her husband, Michael Grant, Katherine co-wrote Animorphs, a long-running series that has sold over 35 million books worldwide.
Katherine lives in Marin County, California, with her family and assorted pets.
“I don't think relationships just end for no reason," Diver said. "Sometimes it's too complicated for us to understand. All these interconnected things have to be just right before you can have love. That's why it's so amazing when it happens. Maybe it shouldn't be so surprising when it doesn't last. Maybe we should just be astounded that it happens at all.”
“I've always believed that to some extent you get to decide for yourself what your life will be like. You can either look at the world and say "Oh, isn't it all so tragic, so grim, so awful." Or you can look at the world and decide that it's mostly funny.If you step back far enough from the details, everything gets funny. You say war is tragic. I say, isn't it crazy the way people will fight over nothing? People fight wars to control crappy little patches of empty desert, for crying out loud. It's like fighting over an empty soda can. It's not so much tragic as it is ridiculous. Asinine! Stupid!You say, isn't it terrible about global warming? And I say, no, it's funny. We're going to bring on global warming because we ran too many leaky air conditioners? We used too much spray deodorant, so now we'll be doomed to sweat forever? That's not sad. That's irony.”
“Anger is precious. A silverback uses his anger to maintain order and warn his troop of danger. When my father beat his chest, it was to say, Beware, listen, I am in charge. I am angry to protect you, because that is what I was born to do.Here in my domain, there is no one to protect.”
“I always tell the truth, Stella replies. Although I sometimes confuse the facts.”
“They think I'm too old to cause trouble.Old age is a powerful disguise.”
“The names are mine, but they're not me.”
“Memories are precious ... they help tell us who we are.”
“All day, I watch humans scurry from store to store. They pass their green paper, dry as old leaves and smelling of a thousand hands, back and forth and back again.They hunt frantically, stalking, pushing, grumbling. Then they leave, clutching bags filled with things - bright things, soft things, big things - but no matter how full the bags, they always come back for more. Humans are clever indeed. They spin pink clouds you can eat. They build domains with flat waterfalls.But they are lousy hunters.”
“My life is flashing lights and pointing fingers and uninvited visitors. Inches away, humans flatten their little hands against the wall of glass that separates us.The glass says you are this and we are that and that is how it will always be.”
“My visitors are often surprised when they see the TV Mack put in my domain. They seem to find it odd, the sight of a gorilla staring at tiny humans in a box. Sometimes I wonder, though: Isn't the way they stare at me, sitting in my tiny box, just as strange?”
“Homework, I have discovered, involves a sharp pencil and thick books and long sighs.”
“Right now I would give all the yogurt raisins in all the world for a heart made of ice.”
“Rachel anaknya jangkung, cantik, rambutnya pirang, dan tak kenal takut. Yah, jauh di dalam lubuk hati sih ia juga merasa tidak aman, cemas kalau-kalau ia tak bisa beradaptasi, dan tertekan karena harus hidup memenuhi standar tinggi yang ditentukannya sendiri. Tapi semua itu tersembunyi jauh di dalam. Jauh sekali, sehingga jika kau berusaha mencapainya, ia akan mencincangmu sebelum kau bahkan bisa mendekat.”
“Don't be so sure,' Cassie said. 'We're fighting for Mother Earth. She has some tricks up her sleeves.''Good grief,' Marco said. 'Let's all buy Birkenstocks and go hug some trees.”
“Today, tomorrow, sooner or later, you will meet someone who is lost, just as you yourself have been lost, and as you will be lost again someday. And when that happens, it is your duty to say "I've been lost, too. Let me help you find your way home.”
“Sometimes I know things before they happen. Sometimes I can see a scene in my head. Like watching a movie, and then it will happen. I think, did I make it happen? Or did I just see it somehow?”
“Her eyes hold the pale moon in them, the way a still pond holds stars.”
“Humans waste words. They toss them like banana peels and leave them to rot. Everyone knows the peels are the best part.”
“Humans. Sometimes they make chimps look smart.”
“I turned to him and kissed him, slowly lingeringly, my hands running over the hard, smooth curves and angles of his body. It wasn't that first kiss so many months before. This one was big and complicated and full of colours and textures. It held stories in it, and memories, and that made it even better.”
“It's an alien toilet!" -Cassie”
“They think we’re intelligent. So, Marco, keep quiet. We don’t want them to learn the truth.” Rachel”
“Jake? Do me a favor. Don't ever say 'so far, so good'. The only time anyone ever says 'so far, so good' is right before everything blows up in his face!"-Marco”
“Ax-man. Cardboard isn’t one of the major food groups, remember?”-Marco”
“Salt! Salt! And grease! Greee-suh!”Ax”
“Sticking your tongue in an electrical socket is dangerous- not to mention painful." -Marco”
“Ninety percent of the trouble in this world comes from guys who think they have something to prove.”
“Lesson Number One in Everworld: There’s them, and there’s us. And any day we can keep them from destroying us, that’s a victory.”
“David, when it happens... when it happens, David, will you save me?”
“Is there anything sweeter than the touch of another as she pulls a dead bug from your fur?”
“But hunger, like food, comes in many shapes and colors.”
“I was born in a place humans call central Africa, in a dense rain forest so beautiful, no crayons could ever do it justice.”
“Human can surprise you sometimes. An unpredictable species, Homo sapiens”
“Humans. Rats have bigger hearts. Roaches have kinder souls. Flies have-”
“When I'm drawing a picture, I feel...quiet inside.”
“I like colorful tales with black beginnings and stormy middles and cloudless blue-sky endings. But any story will do.”
“A good zoo," Stella said, "is a large domain. A wild cage. A safe place to be. It has room to roam and humans who don't hurt." She pauses, considering her words. "A good zoo is how humans make amends.”
“I remember something my mamaused to say on dark days:If you can talk, you can sing.If you can walk, you can dance.Ganwar, I whisper,what if she never comes?”
“... You're sunny. You keep showing up here." Diver"I'm not sunny, I'm alcohol. No, no, I mean, I'm Summer," Summer says."Don't say that," the little boy said, suddenly frightened. "You're disturbing my wa.”
“Hope is a thing made only for people, a scrap to hold ontoin darkness and in light”
“Human humour often consists of pretending to wish something does not really wish.”
“Imagine being the only two free humans in all the world”
“Anger only gets in the way.”
“It's hard to put into words. Gorillas are not complainers. We're dreamers, poets, philosophers, nap takers.”
“But mostly, I remembered what I’ve always believed. What my mom taught me. That while some things are just plain awful, most things in life can be seen either tragic or comic. And it’s your choice. Is life a big, long, tiresome slog from sadness to regret to guilt to resentment to self-pity? Or is life weird, outrageous, bizarre, ironic, and just stupid? Gotta go with stupid. It’s not the easy way out. Self-pity is the easiest thing in the world. Finding the humor, the irony, the slight justification for a skewed, skeptical optimism, that’s tough.”
“Maybe dreams aren't in your head. Maybe dreams are memories of another universe.”
“Don't worry dreams aren't real. They're just neurons firing randomly in your brain.”
“Christopher flushed, gaped, and then laughed. I gave him credit for that. Lots of guys can laugh at someone else. Chistopher could laugh at himself. You see a lot less of that.”
“Hey I basically agree with you. I believe in what I can see, touch, eat, drink and spend. Everything else is bull."April nodded. "You are so right, Christopher. I mean,you are so forceful and all that, you just get me hot. You really do, and we're going to die anyway, so just take me now." She scooted towards Christopher and lowered her voice to a husky whisper. "You think I'm kidding but I'm not. I want you here and now."She was just convincing enough that Christopher made a sort of move to put his arm around her. She pushed away, laughing slyly."Ah, so you just believe in what you can see, huh? Looks to me like you were ready to believe in a miracle.”
“I think that's his point," April said. "Not dumb, maybe. Just naive. I mean we come from a cynical age. Suspicious of everything. Maybe thats the advantage we have.""Yeah our bad attitudes versus their swords and axes and giant wolves," Christopher said darkly.”