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Katherine Neville

“Privacy - like eating and breathing - is one of life's basic requirements.”
Katherine Neville
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“Music has power to create a universe or to destroy a civilization.”
Katherine Neville
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“All my life I have studies the peculiar powers of music. It has a force of its own that few would deny.”
Katherine Neville
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“Muses had a way of killing those whom they inspired.”
Katherine Neville
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“Nim unwrapped a loaf of fresh dilled rye bread and opened a crock of trout mousse. He slathered up a big slice and handed it to me. [...] We had thinly sliced veal smothered in kumquat sauce, fresh spinach with pine nuts, and fat red beefsteak tomatoes (impossibly rare at this time of year) broiled and stuffed with lemon apple sauce. The wide, fan-shaped mushrooms were sauteed lightly and served as a side dish. The main course was followed by a salad of red and green baby lettuce with dandelion greens and toasted hazelnuts.”
Katherine Neville
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“Only boring people are bored.”
Katherine Neville
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“Affaires meant 'business.' How like the French to kill two birds with one stone.”
Katherine Neville
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