Katlyn Charlesworth is an historical fiction author. An Ohio native, she grew up writing short stories; designing her own book covers; and participating as a weekly columnist, reporter, and editor in her high school's newspaper publication.
At fifteen, Katlyn wrote and published her first historical fiction novel, We All Fall Down.
Her recently acclaimed book, The Patriot's Daughter, was released in May of 2015.
Katlyn currently resides in Colorado.
“Future is a meaningless word if you don’t give your heart and soul to your dreams. What happens to us is never etched in stone, but determined by what we want to happen… Death is inevitable, but life is what we can avoid, if we so choose.”
“I was in an empty field when I came across a tree. This tree was full of white blossoms and succulent cherries. The sun was shining and the breeze was blowing—everything was lovely. I looked back at the tree and its pure white blossoms were stained with blood. I gazed down in front of me, in horror, as a wooden cross marked the place of a small dirty mound.”
“He held me as if I were his most prized possession and I could feel every beat of his heart against me, as we embraced, lovingly. I felt safer and more loved than I had ever thought I could feel, and I never wanted it to end.”
“This kiss was of a different taste. Instead of the raw, angry, tear-salted heat we had both felt before, it was a kiss of pure adoration and was very, very sweet.”
“Oh, the meadows were gold and the sky so blue,I traveled down that pebble path I so well knew.The sun shined on down through trees so greenAnd I picked white flowers for which I was so keen.Oh sweet lilies of mine, the beauty you shine,Over hilltops and streams below,You bend in the breeze and bloom with ease,In the morning as the dew starts to glow…”
“I wasn’t exactly sure what to feel and think about the situation, but I knew that whatever was going to happen was out of anyone’s control.”
“Jemma, I know that we have known each other for only a few short weeks, but I feel as if I have known you all my life. This courtship may have been arranged at the beginning, but my love for you is truer than ever. So, I ask you, my love, as a man would rightly ask the woman he wishes to be his wife, if you will marry me. Don’t say yes because of the original arrangement, say yes because you want to. I will love you forever Jemma Girard, and I would never force you to stay in an arrangement you did not want. If you wish it, we can eliminate the plans of marriage.” I stood there in a breathless shock, staring at this wonderful and handsome young man who loved me enough to let me go.”