Kay Cassidy is the author of teen fiction she wishes was based on her real life. The Cinderella Society takes readers behind the veil of a secret society of good populars dedicated to defeating the mean girls of the world. Read more about the book on Kay's web site (www.kaycassidy.com/books/TCS). Kay is also the founder of the national Great Scavenger Hunt ContestTM reading program for kids and teens (www.kaycassidy.com/hunt) and can usually be found at the nearest cupcake bakery.
“Sometimes a random fact of kindness that seems like no big deal to you can mean the world to someone else.”
“Sometimes things are stronger than you give them credit for.”
“Even when you think you´ve finally got things running great, sometimes they fall apart anyway. And they can´t always be fixed. At least not by you...The only things we can control is how we deal with it.”
“It´s ironic how failures in life are often proceded by warning signs that we dont pick up on, either because they´re not loud enough or we´re not paying attention...When the little warnings fail to do their job, the universe simply bumps up its campaign to get you back n track. Even if it means clocking you over the head with a major disaster to finally shake some sense into you.”
“I was trying so hard to be what everyone wanted me to be, and yet every time I looked around, I was failing.”