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Kazantsakis Nikos

(Greek: Νίκος Καζαντζάκης)

Nikos Kazantzakis was a Greek writer, journalist, politician, poet and philosopher. Widely considered a giant of modern Greek literature, he was nominated for the Nobel Prize in Literature in nine different years, and remains the most translated Greek author worldwide.

“If some priest or other comes to take my confession and give me sacrament, tell him to clear out, quick, and leave me his curse instead! I´ve done heaps and heaps of things in my life, but I still did not do enough. Men like me ought to live a thousand years.”
Kazantsakis Nikos
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“God enjoys himself, kills, commits injustice, makes love, works, likes impossible things, just the same as I do.But, boss, I´ve said so before, and I say it again, God and the devil are one and the same thing!”
Kazantsakis Nikos
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“Christ is born, my wise Solomon, my wretched pen-pusher! Don´t go picking things over with a needle! Is He born or isn´t He? Of course He is born, don´t be daft. If you take a magnifying glass and look at your drinking water-an engineer told me this, one day – you´ll see, he said, the water´s full of little worms you couldn´t see with your naked eye. You´ll see the worms and you won´t drink. You won´t drink and you´ll curl up with thirst. Smash your glass, boss, and the little worms´ll vanish and you can drink and be refreshed!”
Kazantsakis Nikos
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“Wykonywana w połowie praca- mówił mi kiedyś- wyrażane w połowie mysli, półgrzesznicy i półświęci doprowadzili ten świat do opłakanego stanu, w jakim dzis się znajduje. Idź prosto do celu, wal śmiało, nie bój się, azwyciężysz! Bóg bardziej nienawidzi diabła od arcydiabła.”
Kazantsakis Nikos
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“في أقصى حالات يأسنا نسمع بداخلنا أحداً يصيح: "لست يائساً. إني أكافح. أقبع فوق رأسك. أطل من جسدك. أنبثق من الأرض، لا تسعني العقول ولا الأسماء ولا الأفعال”
Kazantsakis Nikos
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