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Kazune Kawahara

Name (in native language) : 河原和音

• Birth Date: March 11th, 1972

• Blood Type: A

• Zodiac: Pisces

Kazune Kawahara made her manga debut at age 18 with Kare no Ichiban Sukina Hito (His Most Favorite Person). Also, while thinking of her manga, she often spaces out and brings grocery baskets home. Adores her nieces.

“Yoh: Being popular with guys isn't something you can just stitch together!Haruna: What?! I Can't?!Yoh: OF COURSE NOT!Yoh: Mixing coke, tea and orange juice would taste nasty, right?! That's exactly what you're doing!”
Kazune Kawahara
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“Asaoka: The next one's from Yoh.Yoh: Huh? Aren't I just a guest? Are you telling me to sing under these circumstances in front of my girlfriend?!Asaoka: But you still dare to choose a song, huh?Yoh: So, what?!”
Kazune Kawahara
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“Asami and Fumi: It's my first time ever listening to yoh sing. He's good at it.Asaoka: He's so deceitful, training all alone in secret in the bathroom or something.Yoh: Shut up!Asaoka: I'm sorry, I'm sorry. Please continue.”
Kazune Kawahara
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“Yoh: ...I watched the video of your match...The one where you lost and cried so much. When I saw that, I thought that I wouldn't mind coaching you. You face everything head-on, and when you're down, you always get back up, looking straight ahead...I'm glad that I'm the one you asked to coach you...I'm glad I'm the one you bumped into, that day we met........I must still have a fever. I'm not making sense...Haruna: Can I kiss you!? I know it's not the best time!! But what you said was so sweet!!”
Kazune Kawahara
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“Yoh: What...a cold?Asaoka: Yep.Mami: I just got her message.Fumi: And just when we're all better too!!Yoh: Sorry, I have to go...Asaoka: To take care of Haruna-chan?Fumi: Ohhh!! You're so nice!!Yoh: Got a problem with that!?Asami: Ooh.Fumi: He admitted it.”
Kazune Kawahara
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“Asami:...Did you think she was cute?Haruna: Hmm? Yeah, I thought she was cute!Asami: Do you think she's cuter than me?Haruna: Huh? Who's cuter!? Umm... She's more 'normal'...Asami: Yeah, that 'normal' part of her was why she was so popular.”
Kazune Kawahara
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“Fumi: So, what happened Asami-chan?Asami: Onii-chan's(big brother)... always said mean stuff and he's always been cold. He couldn't get along well with his ex-girlfriend and I thought that he wouldn't be able to get along with anyone else either. I'd always thought that he'd always be by my side. But it's different with Haruna! He's getting along so well with her! And on top of that, they might be OO and XX and they might get married!! He won't be only my Onii-chan anymore!!Fumi: Wow! You really approve of Haruna-chan, huh? I see!! Asami-chan really likes Haruna-chan!!Asami: Fumi-kun... were you even listening...?”
Kazune Kawahara
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“Asami: ...Why'd you chase after me? It's not like you care about me!!Yoh: Well that's true. But, things would be more complicated if I didn't chase after you.”
Kazune Kawahara
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“Haruna: I'm so envious. Assa knows so much more about you from when I hadn't met you. I want to be born into your family too!Yoh: I'd be troubled if you were my sister.Haruna: Um, about that... it's not that you don't like hanging around me, right?You'd be troubled because if we were siblings, we couldn't date each other, right? I guessed it, Yoh! Could this be progress?Yoh: I really shouldn't have said anything!”
Kazune Kawahara
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“Yoh: I'm sorry I can't be with you more.Haruna: What are you saying, Yoh!! Just looking at your shining profile makes me happy!! Go Yoh!!Yoh: I didn't say anything!! Really I'm not going to tell you anything anymore.Haruna: Eh, why!?”
Kazune Kawahara
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“Yoh: I didn't start liking you because of your muscles.Haruna: ...That's the first time you told me you "like me."Yoh: ...Talking to you makes me say wierd things!”
Kazune Kawahara
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“Haruna: If you don't fall for her, she might kill you!...I'll protect you with all I've got!Yoh: Thanks. Sometimes I feel like I got myself a boyfriend instead of a girlfriend.”
Kazune Kawahara
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“Haruna: Rather than Yoh's appearance, I much prefer his character!Yoh: To me those are fatal words...”
Kazune Kawahara
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“Random Guy: You can't snowboard? Want me to teach you?Haruna: Huh?Random Guy: You here with your friends? I am too, but do you want to board together?Haruna: What? Could you be...hitting on me?Random Guy: Haha. That's...an extremely direct way to put it, but yes, I'm hitting on you.Haruna: Wait, I know. Is it that you have some kind of secret grudge against Komiyama Yoh?Random Guy: Who?Haruna: Or you're going to sell me, or take my money, or something?Random Guy: Uh...No...Haruna: You mean you're purely trying to pick me up?Random Guy: Yes, purely...Haruna: Yoh! I got hit on!Random Guy: Oh, so your boyfriends here. Please excuse me.Haruna: He was trying to pick me up! Isn't that incredible!Yoh: It's not incredible!! Don't get picked up!!Haruna: This is the first time that I've been hit on in my entire life!Yoh: Don't get hit on up here! What are you so happy about?Haruna: I'm not happy. It's more like... surprised?Yoh: You should've hurried up and said no right away!Haruna: Well, it was my first time getting hit on, so I'd never had to say no before, so I didn't know what to do and...Yoh: In that situation, just hit the guy!Hatuna: Whaaaat? With my fist?Yoh: With your fist! Or just slap him!Haruna: Understood. I'll hit them!”
Kazune Kawahara
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“Yoh: What were you doing?Haruna:Ah, I was sewing Asoaka-san's t-shirt and I got pricked by the needle.Yoh: He could've done the work better if he did it himself. I'm pretty sure he got a 10 in home economics.Haruna: Eh!? Really!?Yoh: Ah thanks for this.Haruna: Ah. yeah.Yoh: I drank what was in the container, but what was it?Haruna: Radish soup!! Asaoka-san told me that radish soup is good for the throaght!!Yoh: Why does he always come in with such good timing?Haruna: Ah. Come to think of it, you're right.It's a mystery!!”
Kazune Kawahara
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