K.C. King's love affair with books began with Charlotte's Web when she was eight. A true Aquarian, she's a dreamer whose John Grisham obsession resulted in her choice to study linguistics and law. When she's not writing, travelling, or enjoying cappuccinos in kangaroo cups, you'll probably find her in her own world: Somewhere between Metropolis and Austen's 19th Century England.
“The Future is as avoidable as the past is alterable, for the latter is, after all, a consequence of the former: A combination of choice and fate.”
“Despite myself, I wince. Everything about her screams “psychopath” – and not the ho-hum, hey-kid-I’m-a-creepy-loner-who’s-gonna-chop-you-up-and-eat-you kind that Hollywood adores. She’s the truly effed-up variety. The hey-bitch-I’m-the-pageant-spawned-nightmare-who’s-gonna-make-you-wish-you-were-dead-if-you-even-think-about-running-against-me-for-Prom-Queen type. And it’s got me checking for the nearest exit.Until he steps in.”
“Half an ass,” he mutters, or at least that’s what it sounds like. In my opinion it doesn’t really pack a whole lot of punch, but apparently I’m wrong and being called “half an ass” is the new mother of all insults because everyone else is riled. Especially Nate, who looks like he’s a split second away from rearranging Xaevier’s face.”
“As much as I try not to, I can’t help but stare. It’s kind of like stumbling across a bizarre Teen Vogue shoot, only there’s clearly something more to this cast. Everything about them is captivating, but it’s not just their looks. It’s the way they move; they way they act; even they way they –“Paigelyn?”Crap.”
“How else do you explain a bunch of nature-loving, uniform-wearing, possibly-magic head cases who believe in royal clans and shack up in the middle of Rocky Mountain nowhere? Pretty much screams ‘cult’ to me.”
“My vision blurred as I swung between the extreme urges to faint and slap someone.”
“Infallible perception was definitely a downside of dating a Scion.”
“Was it possible? Could he be supernatural? Did supernatural beings sit meditating within two feet of humans on the beach?”