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Keith David henry

Keith David Henry was born and raised in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. By trade he is a Systems Engineer, a Certified Trainer, and a published author. He has been an Information Technology professional for over twenty-nine years, and has been an adult educator since 1986.

Keith's eclectic background includes more than thirty-three years as an artist and a creative and technical writer. His involvement with and interest in Particle Physics early on in his career and up to this date, his proclivity toward astro-physics theory, and his general aptitude for scientific cogitation adds a technical edge to his fluent, easy-to-read, and pleasant writing style which is accented by his clever wit and skillful prose.

Having previously been a Pentecostal Minister for a church in Philadelphia he later turned his sights to more esoteric pursuits, becoming conscientiously involved in the study and practice of various metaphysical disciplines. His reevaluation of mainstream religion coupled with his trademark sense of curiosity and propensity toward research opened up a whole new venue of expression for him. He prides himself on his wide range of general knowledge within this venue and has over the years become a Theoretical Metaphisicist.

Keith is the host of the Internet talk radio program “Progressions of Consciousness” which airs daily on the Community Listening Network station (, the number one rated Internet Radio station in its genre today. Dates and times for the show are Monday - Friday at 6AM & 9PM, Saturday at 6AM & 6PM, and Sunday at 8AM & 7PM Eastern Time. Topics of discussion include metaphysics, philosophy, and other esoteric subject of interest. His broadcast may be accessed by visiting his web site:

p.s. Do I have to fill out the "date of death" fiel on my Autor's profile? :-/

“The mathematical likelihood that God exists is astronomical. But the idea that our limited human mentality can understand the true nature of God borders on the ridiculous. For this reason the religionist and the ahteist are equally naive.”
Keith David henry
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“We do not inherit the Earth from our parents. We borrow her from our children.”
Keith David henry
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