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Kelley Eskridge

Kelley Eskridge is a fiction writer, essayist and screenwriter. She is the author of the New York Times Notable novel Solitaire and the short fiction collection Dangerous Space. Solitaire was a Border Books Original Voices selection and a finalist for the Nebula, Endeavour and Spectrum awards. The short stories in Dangerous Space include an Astraea prize winner and finalists for the Nebula and Tiptree awards.

Eskridge’s story “Alien Jane” was adapted for an episode of the SciFi channel television series Welcome to Paradox. A film adaptation of Solitaire is in development by Cherry Road Films, with Eskridge as the current screenwriter attached to the project.

She is also a staff writer with the U2 fan website @U2 (, the world’s most popular U2 fan site with millions of visitors per year.

Eskridge lives in Seattle with her partner, novelist Nicola Griffith. She is a former vice president of Wizards of the Coast (the games publishing company responsible for trading card games including Magic™ and Pokémon™, and role-playing games including Dungeons and Dragons™). She is now a full-time writer as well as Managing Partner of Humans At Work, LLC (, a consulting practice devoted to training new managers in the skills of managing human beings.

“Unbelievable,” I said when it was done. And Brilliant and Audio crack and That one will be everyone’s breakup song, and so on, because great is never good enough for the artists; they always want to know exactly what you mean and which nanosecond of the song you mean it about.”
Kelley Eskridge
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