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Kelly Easton

“At any time in history, gazillions of lives are being lived simultaneously. In Zimbabwe, Thailand, Tasmania, and Borneo, in the poorest hovel and the richest palace, in the sky and on the moon, the lives of ants, plants, gorillas, and people are going on. But we are generally fixated on that infinitesimal thing in the scope of the universe, ourselves.”
Kelly Easton
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“the tail of a comet can extend millionsof miles into space, always in the opposite direction of the sun, blown by the solar breeze. A comets tail is the closet thing to nothing that anything can be. I love that. The closest thing to nothing.”
Kelly Easton
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“It's hot as a barbecue the smog is pressed up against the foothills so that you can't even see them. everyone is irritated, but noone argues because noone can breathe. i laid on the couch in my bikini and watched His Girl Friday. I have decided that i will be a journalist like Josland Russel (in the movie) and not take any flak for anyone unless they look and act like Cary Grant.”
Kelly Easton
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“Liberty clutched him tightly. 'You played a part in my destiny. And maybe I played a part in yours.' That was how things worked, she was beginning to realize. Destiny wasn't something you accomplished by yourself.”
Kelly Easton
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“Mrs. Vice turned to the weddings page. She liked to look at the smiling brides and imagine how miserable they would soon be.”
Kelly Easton
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“Human beings are so depressing.”
Kelly Easton
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“When you're a guy you have to act like an asshole sometimes, so that the real asswholes won't bug you.”
Kelly Easton
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“There might be different ways of being dead. Like there are different ways of believing God.”
Kelly Easton
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“I felt him there with me. The real David. My David. David, you are still here. Alive. Alive in me.Alive in the galaxy.Alive in the stars.Alive in the sky.Alive in the sea.Alive in the palm trees.Alive in feathers.Alive in birds.Alive in the mountains.Alive in the coyotes.Alive in books.Alive in sound.Alive in mom.Alive in dad.Alive in Bobby.Alive in me.Alive in soil.Alive in branches.Alive in fossils.Alive in tongues.Alive in eyes.Alive in cries.Alive in bodies.Alive in past, present and future. Alive forever.”
Kelly Easton
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“Later: Woke up at 3:00 am and crept into Davids room. I talked to David about the ghost who came to live in his body, the sad soul who was taken back into the earth.David’s trophies are dusty again.”
Kelly Easton
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“What exists beneath the sea?I’d always pictured it in colors of emerald and aquamarine, where black velvet fish with sequined eyes swim among plankton.But, when my eyes adjust, I see gray stones, lost anchors, wet wood, buttons, hooks, and eyes, the salem witches who wouldn’t float, stars and stripes, missing vessels, windup toys, the souls of Romeo and Juliet, peaches, cream, pistons, screams, cages of ribs and birds, tunnels, nutcracker soldiers, satin bows, drugstore signs, Pandora box ripped open at its hinges.”
Kelly Easton
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“The atoms of the earth are formed inside of stars. Nothing really dies, everything is transformed.”
Kelly Easton
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“The larger a star the shorter its life, but all the more fascinating its death. As it collapses within it’s body, the infalling material can be no longer be compressed; the star is blown to pieces; its shattered mass realeases out ward at the speed of light.”
Kelly Easton
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“Later: Midnight. Just woke up with this thought; Maybe Simons right. Maybe there is a spirit that ejects from the body. Even stars, when they die eject hydrogen and helium from their bodies, which fly out in space into infinity.”
Kelly Easton
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“Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's ice cream.”
Kelly Easton
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