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Kelly Meding

“You're alive." Wyatt's voice had never sounded so...small. "You were dead, but Christ, Evy, you're alive.”
Kelly Meding
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“If you ever come home with fleas, I'm dumping you.”
Kelly Meding
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“I told myself that was why, that I wasn’t bringing you back because it hurt too much to lose you. That a lifetime without free will wasn’t worth three moredays with you. That wasn’t good enough. I had to do it for the right reasons, you know. For them, not for us.”
Kelly Meding
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“Girlfriend? Presume much?""Probably, yes." He turned his head, breath tickling my cheek. "I told you yesterday, Evy, you have healing to do, and I'll be here for you. Whatever it takes.”
Kelly Meding
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“Too bad you need both hands for crawling," I said. "We could use some sunshine in here.""Next time, I'll be sure to ask the sprites for a flashlight.""And a bottle of water. I think I've swallowed enough dust to shit a brick later.”
Kelly Meding
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“Six flights up I smelled it. Faint at first and then gradually stronger - the eye-watering stench of fermented sugar. I felt like I was walking into a distillery, and that clued me in as to who we were visiting. [...] I'm still waiting for some brave soul to start marketing Gremlin Piss Schnapps.”
Kelly Meding
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