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Ken Goldman

Ken Goldman had been  a Philadelphia English and Film Studies teacher until he decided to take the money and run in order to seek fortune and fame. An Active member of the Horror Writers Association, he has extremely ostentatious homes on the Main Line in Pennsylvania and at the Jersey shore depending upon his mood and his need for a tan. His stories appear in over 900 independent press publications in the U.S., Canada,  the UK,  and Australia with over thirty due for publication in 2019-2020 For some reason his book of short stories, YOU HAD ME AT ARRGH!! FIVE UNEASY PIECES BY KEN GOLDMAN (Sam's Dot Publishers) remained an all-time top ten best seller at The Genre Mall 2007-2011 until its closing. Damnation books published his very sensual (and easily purchased) novella DESIREE in June 2010 (available in Kindle and print at as well as finer restaurants everywhere as a place mat); ExCessica Publishers re-released DESIREE in Kindle format December 2016. In October 2012 A/A Productions published his book of five short stories, DONNY DOESN'T LIVE HERE ANYMORE (Kindle, e-book, Nook, print, and audio -- yada yada and yada). Vampires 2 Publishers released STAR CROSSED in e-book/Kindle formats, in March 2013---this anthology contains another five of Ken’s tales, varying from Sci-Fi to erotic horror, much like Ken’s real life. His novel, OF A FEATHER, was published by Horrific Tales Publishers (UK) in early 2014. Ken's new novel, SINKHOLE was published by Bloodshot Books August 2017. If you have read this far, please notify Ken and he will send you money. (Just wanted to see if you were paying attention.) Ken would be famous except for the fact nobody seems to know who he is. However, he expects to be discovered posthumously long after the mother ship arrives to take him home.

“From "Lunchtime At The Justice Cafe" :The waitress snarled a grin that lasted just long enough to show a mouthful of stained yellowed teeth, then turned suddenly serious. “‘Course I’m not the one to talk about these folks, I ‘spose. You see, I used to do a bit of eavesdroppin’ in my day before the sheriff put a stop to that.” 

She lifted the stringy blond hair from the side of her face, the opposite side from where she had hidden her pencil. There was a small hole about the size of a quarter where her ear should have been. “As you can see, Mr. McAllister, Sheriff Sweet puts a fairly high price on mindin’ your own business in Justice,” she added, refilling his cup. “You want some pie?” 
Ken Goldman
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“From "Lady In Waiting" in the anthology The Morgue :Now I have yet to meet the corpse could hold up its end of a conversation, so at most I might whistle while fixin’ one up ‘stead of engagin’ myself in any small talk that’s goin’ to be so one-sided anyways. But Cindy Flowers’ corpse weren’t no ordinary body when it walked upright, and it sure weren’t ordinary just because it was lyin’ before me in a pine wood box. So for the first time I felt the need to get a few things said to one of our visitors, and I leaned down to get myself real close to her face. Her eyes was closed ‘cause Pa had already sewed her lids shut.”
Ken Goldman
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“From the short story (and anthology containing it) DONNY DOESN'T LIVE HERE ANYMORE :Donny acted like he didn’t hear me. “You can’t send your mom off into eternity looking like that, Artie. She wouldn’t like it.” He reached into my mother’s casket, shoved his fingers into her mouth like it was the most logical thing in the world.
“Donny, you can’t --!”
“I’m just making her look right, Artie. It’s what she would want.” He tugged hard at my mom’s lips. I knew they were cold because I had kissed them a few moments earlier, and for a moment I felt convinced my friend had completely lost his mind. But when I looked inside Mom’s casket I knew Donny had done something only a best friend would think to do. My mother was smiling again. And she looked just the way I remembered her, the way I would always want to remember her. I got so choked up I couldn’t talk for a few minutes. 
Finally I managed, “My mother always told me you could make her smile.”
Ken Goldman
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“A kiss is such an amazing thing -- So simple, so complex. The only human act that gives while it receives. Mouth to mouth, it almost seems the eating of one another. Maybe that’s all we are, food for each other. Why, I believe there’s a poem in there somewhere. Another kiss to inspire my muse, Desirée, and I’ll tell you something else you don’t know.”
Ken Goldman
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“Pinky Lumbers caught fire quicker than steak on a barbecue. He heaved and squirmed tryin' to scream, but his mouth was too crammed with bed sheet, so instead he just gagged. But his struggles didn't last long, and Honey and me, we just stood there and watched his flesh fold over on itself stinking like bad pork . . . -----From "Wood River Honey”
Ken Goldman
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