Ken Puddicombe’s first calling was in the Accounting profession. He’s a professional [CPA, CMA] Management Accountant] who provided controllership for a number of companies in the private sector before he retired to pursue his first love of writing. His hobbies includes travelling and he is slowly covering all five continents, having already travelled to South East Asia, South America, and Europe. He considers himself a people watcher watcher and loves to observe all aspects of the human psyche. His writing has appeared in newspapers and literary journals. Originally from British Guiana [now Guyana] in South America, he immigrated to Canada and still lives there with his family. Racing With The Rain was his first novel and is set in British Guiana, Cuba, Canada and Guyana. His second novel Junta is now out on amazon. A collection of short stories entitled Down Independence Boulevard is being worked on. His genre is fiction, based on international locations but especially focussed in Canada, the Caribbean and Guyana. His website:
“I had lunch with the staff of one of my old companies once. They were all people with whom I had worked except one particular girl who was new to the department. She said that she felt she had known me for a long time although we had never met. She said that they were still following the policies and procedures I had written way back then. Your writing, it appears, will survive long after you’re gone.” –Ken Puddicombe.”
“What's the rush? Recognise that with the time at our disposal, there is only a limited number of good books you can read, a few really good movies worth seeing, and a finite number of hours, days, years to enjoy them!”
“Lying there in bed, dangling in a zone somewhere between sleep and consciousness, he was overcome by a strange feeling: that he was losing control of his life, and for the first time in recent years was unsure of the direction it was taking him." Carl Dias reflects on life in RACING WITH THE RAIN”
“To be honest, it's a real relief to go to Canada where I can be among my relatives. Just the kind of break I need. Strange enough, when I'm there, I can't wait to get back to Guyana. There's something that's always calling me back, something in the blood, I guess." Father Martin to Carl Dias in Racing With The Rain.”
“The uncertainty, the fear of the unknown was driving him, almost to the point of desperation. He felt as if he was going down a dark stairway, missing a step, hurtling into the unknown and having no idea where he would land.”
“We're quick to think of people as snobs, little realizing that perhaps they suffer from the same insecurities that we do.”