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Kendare Blake

So, I write books. The Anna Dressed in Blood duo is horror, The Goddess War trilogy is mythology, and Three Dark Crowns is fantasy, because the world don't move to the beat of just one drum. What might be right for you, may not be right for some. Love to read, too. Fiction, philosophy, good books, bad books, because you take the good you take the bad you take them both and there you have a stack of books and stuff. I mean, you've got to be adventurous. There's more to life that what you're living, so take a chance and face the wind.

There's more coming soon like ALL THESE BODIES and a new fantasy series, so don't waste another minute on your cryin. We're nowhere near the end.

My likes include animals, food, and nostalgia. I mean, whatever happened to predictability? The milkman, the paperboy, the evening TV? Used to be everywhere you look, there's a heart, a hand to hold on to.

Anyway, I love to hear from readers so drop me a line here or at my website and we'll talk about friends to know, and ways to grow, and how if you threw a party you would see that the biggest gift would be from me and the card attached would say, thank you for being a friend.

We can also talk about all the sitcom theme songs in this bio. Sha la la la.

“Everyone seems to know more than I do, and being on the shallow end of the information pool is starting to piss me off.”
Kendare Blake
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“Don't profane yourself, or the Biodag Dubh."Oh, Mary Ann. Me and the Beedak Doo are just fine.”
Kendare Blake
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“I’ve been Obeahed by an Obeahman? Is this like how the Smurfs say they smurfing smurfed all the time?”
Kendare Blake
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“You fuck - you ate my cat!”
Kendare Blake
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“Stand my ground, is what I think. After this is over, I might puke. Assuming, of course, that I’m still alive.”
Kendare Blake
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“But hey, at least we’ll have this strange story to tell, love and death and blood and daddy-issues. And holy crap, I’m a psychiatrist’s wet dream.”
Kendare Blake
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“Four small flames ignite and illuminate our faces and chests, revealing expressions that are part wonder, part fear, and part feeling stupid.”
Kendare Blake
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“It feels so separate, like I’ve touched something that’s taken the color out of me. Or maybe I’m in color now and they’re in black and white.”
Kendare Blake
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“Yes. Smashing. You’ll be just like those four chaps in the movie. You know the one, with the oversized marshmallow.”
Kendare Blake
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“She’s like Bruce Lee, the Hulk and Neo from The Matrix all rolled in to one.”
Kendare Blake
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“I peek over the back of the couch and there she is, my goddess of death, her hair snaking out in a great black cloud, her teeth grinding hard enough to make living gums bleed.”
Kendare Blake
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“The thought makes me reach back for my knife, my sharp, throat-cutting security blanket, as I look around.”
Kendare Blake
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“I can feel that photo of Anna staring at me from sixty years ago, and I can’t help myself from wanting to protect her, wanting to save her from becoming what she already is.”
Kendare Blake
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“I’m staring at Anna’s house again. The logical part of my brain tells me that it’s just a house. That it’s what’s inside that makes it horrifying, that makes it dangerous, that it can’t possibly be tilting toward me like it’s hunting me through the overgrowth of weeds. It can’t possibly be trying to jerk free of its foundation and swallow me whole. But that’s what it looks like it’s doing.”
Kendare Blake
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“She’s standing above me the goddess of death, black lips and cold hands.”
Kendare Blake
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“I watch him with amusement. There’s a blue light special on territorial jocks in aisle four.”
Kendare Blake
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“Girls on the other hand, have always come easy. I don’t know why that is, exactly. Maybe it’s the outsider vibe and a well-placed brooding look.”
Kendare Blake
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“You make me want things I can't have.”
Kendare Blake
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“She's my purpose and we're going to save each other. We're going to save everyone. And then I'm going to convince her that she's supposed to stay here. With me.”
Kendare Blake
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“Move, hunt, kill. Like lather, rinse, and repeat.”
Kendare Blake
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“What luck. I chose the douche-y sounding one.”
Kendare Blake
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“We've got our heads pulled low inside of our hooded sweatshirts and our eyes are shifty. We look exactly like you'd expect someone to look if they were minutes away from committing a major crime.”
Kendare Blake
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“She glares at me resentfully, like I'm being unfair. But she's probably going to try to kill me, and kill me righteously, so eff you very much.”
Kendare Blake
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“All this faux flattery. It's not enough to make me forget he's a dick. Admittedly, though, he's sort of a charismatic dick.”
Kendare Blake
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“I don't care what your name is," she hisses. "And I don't care who you are. If you don't get him some help, I will burn your fucking place down." Go Carmel.”
Kendare Blake
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“He almost killed my friends. Fuck that guy.”
Kendare Blake
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“Every time I question him about the feasibility, he smiles at me like he's Yoda and I'm just a dumbass without the Force.”
Kendare Blake
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“Jesus. I have become the thing they call the third wheel.”
Kendare Blake
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“... the cupboards start opening and closing by themselves, drawers slamming shut and the walls start to bleed. Slamming doors and smashing plates. Anna is acting like a common poltergeist. How embarrassing.”
Kendare Blake
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“No tengo miedo. A pesar del dolor abrasador entre mis ojos y el conocimiento que algo viene por mí, algo que fácilmente podría arrancarme el bazo y hacerlo reventar como un globo de agua, no tengo miedo. Ella está conmigo. Ella es mi propósito y nosotros vamos a salvarnos el uno al otro. Vamos a salvarlos a todos. Y después voy a convencerla para que ella se quede aquí. Conmigo.”
Kendare Blake
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“...mierda, soy el sueño húmedo de cualquier siquiatra.”
Kendare Blake
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“No le puedo devolver a Anna su vida porque su vida ya se terminó. -Cas”
Kendare Blake
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“Tú me haces querer cosas que no puedo tener -Anna”
Kendare Blake
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“La muerte es mi mundo. Todo lo demás, la escuela y los amigos, son solo cosas en el camino hacia mi próximo fantasma.”
Kendare Blake
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“Dios, las personas vivas son irritantes - Cas”
Kendare Blake
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“Anyway, life doesn’t work like that. It doesn’t care about fair or unfair.”
Kendare Blake
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“You’re sure you didn’t leave? Didn’t try to explore Thunder Bay again, maybe go down to the park and, I don’t know, dismember some poor jogger?”
Kendare Blake
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“We’re not children, neither of us. We don’t believe in fairy tales. And if we did, who would we be? Not Prince Charming and Sleeping Beauty. I slice murder victims’ heads off and Anna stretches skin until it rips, she snaps bones like green branches into smaller and smaller pieces. We’d be the fricking dragon and the wicked fairy. I know that. But I still have to tell her.”
Kendare Blake
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“I smile quietly. She is with me all the time. I feel stupid now, for not seeing it sooner. But hey, at least we'll have this strange story to tell, love and death and blood and daddy-issues. And holy crap, I am a psychiatrist's wet dream."- Cas Lowood, Anna Dressed in Blood”
Kendare Blake
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“No empieces con eso”, dice Anna. Ella se aleja de mí drásticamente. “Arturo sin Excalibur, todavía era Arturo”.”
Kendare Blake
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“No somos niños, ninguno de los dos. No creemos en cuentos de hadas. Y si lo hacemos ¿Quiénes seriamos? No el príncipe encantado y la bella durmiente. Yo hago que las victimas de asesinato se marchen y Anna estira pieles hasta que se rasguen, rompe huesos en piezas cada vez más pequeñas como si fueran ramas verdes. Seguramente seriamos el extraño dragón y la loca hada. Lo sé. Pero aun así tengo que decírselo.”
Kendare Blake
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“Me he encontrado en la entrada de Anna cada noche, solo parado ahí, incapaz de pensar en nada que decir. Y cada noche ella viene a la ventana y me mira fijo”
Kendare Blake
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“Ella es la muerte misma, horrible y sin sentido, e incluso si está vestida de sangre y venas no puedo evitar mirar fijamente.”
Kendare Blake
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“Anna está descendiendo sobre mí, bajando las escaleras sin tomar pasos. Arrastra horriblemente los pies como si no pudiera utilizarlos en absoluto. Venas oscuras y de color púrpura cortan a través de su pálida piel blanca. Su pelo es un tono menos negro, y se mueve a través del aire como si estuviera suspendida en el agua, serpenteando detrás y a la deriva como juncos. Es la única cosa sobre ella que parece viva.”
Kendare Blake
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“Si tu mamá es una bruja, ¿en qué te convierte eso a ti? ¿En Harry Potter?”
Kendare Blake
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“Cada vez que digo algo ellas se ríen, se miran entre sí para permitirse reír, y me vuelven a mirar otra vez, esperando mi siguiente gracia. Dios, las personas vivas son irritantes.”
Kendare Blake
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“Si algo soy, entonces soy Rorschach de Watchmen. Soy Grendel. Soy el sobreviviente de Silent Hill”
Kendare Blake
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“I wish it didn’t have to hurt you,” she says. “Do you?”“Of course. Believe me, Cassio. I never wanted to be this tragic.”
Kendare Blake
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“I don’t have my knife,” I mumble. “Don’t start that,” Anna says. She walks away from me sharply. “Arthur without Excalibur was still Arthur.”
Kendare Blake
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“I even had this idea that the knife stopped working, that after a certain time it just stops working for you, when your number is up. I thought maybe it was me who had done it. That I killed him just by growing older, and being ready to replace him.”
Kendare Blake
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