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Kendra Spencer

Kendra Spencer also known affectionately as Prince was born September 12, 1989 in Cincinnati, Ohio. Her childhood consisted of vast amounts of hours spent on reading and carrying duffel bags full of books to and from the public library. Stepping into her teenaged years she began to notice the books she was reading while very creative did not depict the environment around thus a writer was born. The nickname Prince came about from class mates due to Zane being very popular around the time and dubbed the Queen of erotica with Zane's steamy stories was skyrocketing through their classmates and Kendra Spencer at the tender age of fourteen also writing vivid sex scenes Prince came forth. While the nickname is derived from a young adults standpoint Kendra Spencer still strives to be known one day as major heavy hitter in the erotic fiction genre. When Prince is not reading or writing you can find her working with individuals that have developmental disabilities or engaged in a semi professional womens football game where she is a proud athlete #33 of the Cincinnati Sizzle.

“When one of us succeeds we all succeed”
Kendra Spencer
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