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Kenol Policard

Ken Policard was born and raised in Manhattan, New York. He's worked in the entertainment industry for nearly three decades as a music executive, producer, manager, and song writer. After 28 years in the entertainment business, Mr. Policard made a transition into film, television, and publishing.

He is currently living bicoastal between New York and Los Angeles with his family.

The "HUNTING CHRIST" novel was originally based on Ken's screenplay. It's the first installment of an already completed saga. When writing a script or novel, Ken usually works, and consults with his writing mentor, Mike Conley. "I run all of my ideas by Mike first... and trust me, if there are any logic or plot point issues... Mike will find them, and together we'll fix them. His suggestions are usually worth taking to the bank... or to the Box office!


The devil went before God and asked:

"Why was Jesus the one? What made Him so special? Any earthbound fool would have suffered and died exactly as Jesus did, if they had divine knowledge of what was waiting for them in Heaven. Even an Atheist would make the ultimate sacrifice with such enlightenment. Humans at their core are greedy and pernicious.

And yet, with all the carnage and destruction, and all the pain and despair, Mankind still believes that Jesus is their Savior. They still believe that He is the Son of God, and that He will come back to redeem them.

So the devil proposed a bet:

I wager that if Jesus came back to the world as a human being, with no knowledge of His own divinity and no Knowledge of His eternal reward, that He would not willingly lay down His life for anyone, much less for the entire world.

God took the bet.

"If I win" Lucifer said, "You will uncreate Man"

"If you lose," God warned him, "then you will become a man."

"No matter how this ends" Lucifer vowed, "I will always love you"

"And I will always love you, Lucifer."

And So it began....

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Special Thank You to: Michael S. Conley, Michael Toppin, Lori Ann Piccou, Juan Smith, Aalim S. Bey, Andre Bland, Jay Coulbourne, Alan K. Dale, Melanie Smith, Kai Kofer, Jonathan Anderson-Ingebrigtsen, Linda Ash, and Maria Zamarron.




President of Global Affairs: Ken Policard

President of Literary & Story Development: Mike Conley

*** Blood of Eden / Hunting Christ" is a FICTION.


1)Hunting Christ

2)Hunting Lucifer

3)Hunting God

4The Hunt is Over

“Visiting Haiti, will either bring you closer to God, or you'll lose faith... but one thing for certain, you will never return the same.”
Kenol Policard
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“Sometimes losing is winning”
Kenol Policard
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“Faith isn't faith... until it's all you're holding onto.”
Kenol Policard
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“Believing is seeing”
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