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Kenzie Western

“Some people call me sick and twisted. I feel that I'm neither; I am instead a Romantic.”
Kenzie Western
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“He's a Nethanderal! Behold the might of my caveman!"Mrs. Isaacs looked up at me, "I believe they're called 'Neanderthals', Hon."I looked down at my watercolor caveman, making a face as I felt like a Nethanderal, painting the wall of my cave. "Neanderthal just sounds so...Archaic.”
Kenzie Western
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“(about terrible vision) Eyes don't suck, they cry. If you really must know, your mouth sucks, especially once you get a straw. Feel the sucky power!”
Kenzie Western
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“We might be dumb, y'all, but we have some pretty great ideas.”
Kenzie Western
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“He called me a piece of cow poop!""Oh, really?" I raised an eyebrow."Yeah! I was just talking to him, and he was all, 'Bull crap!”
Kenzie Western
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