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Kerrelyn Sparks

Kerrelyn Sparks apparently has issues with reality. After writing more than a dozen books about vampires, she has now completely gone off the deep end and wound up on another planet. But how thrilling that she can share this magical new world with her readers! Although she is best known (so far) for the Love at Stake series, which has hit as high as number 5 on the New York Times list and 22 on the USA Today list, she hopes her readers will love The Embraced as much as they did her merry band of vamps and shifters. To learn more about her paranormal, historical, and upcoming out-of-this-world fantasy romances, please visit Kerrelyn on Facebook, Twitter, or her website at

Kerrelyn loves hearing from readers, even those who howl at the moon. Letters may be sent to P.O. Box 5512, Katy, TX 77491-5512. If you would like bookmarks and signed bookplates, please mail a Self-Addressed Stamped Envelope to her P.O. Box, and she will send those items to you.

“Why? What kind of man would pleasure his woman by hurting her.' Angus paced across the path. ''Tis a man's duty, nay, his privilege, to give his woman all the pleasure she can bear. She should be panting and writhing with pleasure.'Emma remained silent, staring at him. Did she not believe him?He walked toward her. 'A real man would take all night if need be to make sure his woman was fully sated. She should be screaming that she canna endure any more.'Emma's eyes widened.'It should be a man's greatest pleasure to see his woman shuddering in the throes of passion.'She took a deep breath and shifted her weight from one foot to another.He paced back and forth. 'Only when she is begging for him should a man see to his own needs. And he should never, ever harm her.' He stopped in front of her 'Am I totally wrong in this?''No,' she squeaked.”
Kerrelyn Sparks
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“He glanced at her, his hair wild and his eyes red. 'May I give ye pleasure?'Still a gentleman. Emma smiled. But his voice sounded gruff and his appearance was that of an untamed barbarian. She grabbed handfuls of his hair and pulled his head close to hers. 'Make me scream.'His eyes gleamed hotter. 'Ye will. Many times ere the night is over.”
Kerrelyn Sparks
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“When ye've lived as long as I have, ye realize how relative time is. I've endured centuries that passed in the blink of an eye as if I were barely breathing.' He stopped and faced her. 'Or I can experience an entire lifetime in the span of a few nights. All the hope and passion that makes life worth living, 'tis suddenly surrounding me like a gift from God.' (Angus MacKay)”
Kerrelyn Sparks
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“Ye are different, Emma. I doona need ye in order to survive. But surviving is no' the same as living. Or the same as feeling human again. I am alive when I'm with you. Ye feed my soul. (Angus MacKay)”
Kerrelyn Sparks
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“In just a week, he'd taught her so much. That good, honorable men like him stayed the same after death. That she'd existed for too long with only hatred and revenge in her heart. Love was a much nobler cause to live for. Love didn't follow its own selfish agenda; it was willing to make sacrifices for others. How strange that it took an undead man to show her how to live.”
Kerrelyn Sparks
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“I'm too sexy for my cape...”
Kerrelyn Sparks
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“Right. I can see it now. Merry Christmas, everybody! And by the way, did I tell you I'm a vampire? No need to pass the gravy, just bare your neck-”
Kerrelyn Sparks
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“—Necesito sentir que tengo el control.—Ah, ahora me has dado un desafío. — Él dio un paso más cerca. — Para hacerte perder el control.”
Kerrelyn Sparks
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“A series of howls and war cries echoed through the camp....The werewolves and Japanese had attacked."-pg.353 Forbidden Nights with a Vampire Kerrelyn Sparks”
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“Amore.” Giacomo pressed a hand against his heart. “How we suffer for it.”
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“Oh my God, she’d kissed him! She’d stuck her tongue inside a creature from hell. Oh jeez, this would sound great in confession. Say two Hail Marys and avoid further contact with the spawn of the devil.”
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“... Robby wasn't sure what beef stroganoff looked like, but he took grim pleasure in being called a mean and nasty dude.”
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“Gregori leaned forward. "Can you believe it? We're all a bunch of mutants! Just like the Ninja Turtles."Angus blinked. "We - we're like... turtles?"Gregori burst out lauging.Ian shook his head, grinning.Connor snorted. "Nay. We have vampire DNA. No turtles.”
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“I doona need drugs. I am naturally a mean bastard.”
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“After four hundred and ninety-three years of teleporting from one place to another, Angus Mackay still felt an urge to peek under his kilt to ensure everything had arrived in fine working condition. There were some areas where a man, vampire or not, would hate to find himself shortchanged.”
Kerrelyn Sparks
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“Roman pressed the handkerchief against the gaping hole where his right fang should be. "Thit.""You could use your own healing powers to seal the vein shut," Laszlo suggested."It would be clothed permanently. I'd be a one-thided eater for all eternity." Roman removed the bloody handkerchief from his mouth and reinserted his fang into the whole.... "Sir, I suggest you go to a dentist." Laszlo picked up the fang and offered it to Roman. "I've heard they can put a lost tooth back.""Oh, right." Gregori snorted. "What's he supposed to do, waltz into a dental office and say, 'Excuse me, I'm a vampire and I lost a fang in the neck of a sex toy.' They're not going to be line up to help him.”
Kerrelyn Sparks
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“She smiled. "You're looking hot, dude."Gregori strutted toward the door. "I'm too sexy for my cape, too sexy for my fangs. Too sexy." He whirled in a circle, then struck a disco pose with a hand pointing at the ceiling. "Too sexy!" He left with a flourish of his cape.Shanna grinned. "I think he enjoys being a vampire.”
Kerrelyn Sparks
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“Ta-da!" The man whipped open his coat.Shit! He wasn't wearing any clothes at all. She grimaced. Just her luck to go vampire hunting and find a flasher.”
Kerrelyn Sparks
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“What's he doing?" Bethany asked. "He's bowing.'Good day milday." Bethany giggled. "Crocodiles don't bow." "They should when they meet a princess.”
Kerrelyn Sparks
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“Ignore him," Heather begged. "I do. Constantly." Jean-Luc studied the coach, then turned to Heather with a wary look. "Every man in this town wants you." She laughed. "Yea, right. The old guys from the nursing home go into cardiac arrest whenever I walk by." His gaze drifted over her. "I can believe that.”
Kerrelyn Sparks
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“Jean-Luc glanced at the coach. "Who is that man? What is that machine?""It's a dunking booth.""Ah, I understand." Jean-Luc nodded. "If he dose not drown, then he is a witch""No, he's just a creep. It's a game.”
Kerrelyn Sparks
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“Before he had time to figure it out, his walkie-talkie crackled and a voice came on. He punched a button. "Sheriff here. What's up?" "Someone called about a public disturbance behind schmitty's bar," a woman's voice reported. "Cathy use the proper code number," Billy growled. "There ain't no number for a guy acting like a cockroach!" the woman yelled. "he climbed into their Dumpster and he's wallowing in the trash.”
Kerrelyn Sparks
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“He assaulted the man with a psychic wave. "You are a cockroach." In his inebraited state, Cody had no resistance at all to a vampire mind control. He fell to the floor and scurried around the foyer on all fours. "I am a cockroach" he muttered in a squeaky voice. "Hmm, about time you figured that one out," Fidelia steped back as he brushed against her long skirt.”
Kerrelyn Sparks
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“His mouth tilted and his eyes twinkled. "I knew it. One look into yer eyes and I could fall at yet feet.”
Kerrelyn Sparks
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“But he’s a vampire.” — HeatherFidelia shrugged. “Nobody’s perfect. My second husband—he had six toes on one foot.”“This is a little more serious than that. Jean-Luc is literally dead half the time.”Fidelia nodded. “For most men, that would be an improvement.”
Kerrelyn Sparks
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“I can’t date a man who has survived for centuries by biting women and sucking their blood.” — Heather“I bet he gives one hell of a hickey.” — Fidelia”
Kerrelyn Sparks
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“Oh,Angus, where's the beef?”
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“Digger motioned to Zoltan. “What about that one? He has funny eyes. Could be an alien.”“He’s Zoltan, a vampire like me,” Phineas explained.“Are you sure? Zoltan sounds like an alien planet.”
Kerrelyn Sparks
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“Damn.” Phineas turned the Big Boy off, then noticed he’d left the box on the bed. Damn, had Zoltan seen it? He stuffed the phallus back into the box, but must have jammed too hard, for it started wiggling again.“Stop it.” He punched a button, but it merely increased its speed, the tip spiraling in wild circles.Damn! He watched in horror. It was like a whirlybird on steroids! How could a man compete with that? He ripped the balls off it and emptied out the batteries. “Die, you freakin’ dildo, die!”
Kerrelyn Sparks
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“Jack zoomed into the clearing at vampire speed. His eyes widened at the sight of Phineas and Brynley hovering twelve feet in the air. “I heard a gunshot. Are you all right?”“Dagnabbit! Another alien!” Digger bellowed.“Where?” Jack glanced behind him, then gasped when Digger shifted back into a bear and charged. He levitated, too. “Merda! Now I see why you’re floating.”
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“I see.” The nurse nodded. “How can I help you?”“I’m Inspector Mc—” Phineas halted, obviously having second thoughts about using his real name.“Man-boob,” Brynley finished for him.He stiffened.“What can I do for you, Inspector McMan-boob?” the nurse asked.He gritted his teeth. “It’s muscle.”“Inspector Muscle?” the nurse asked.“Yes. Exactly.” He gave Brynley a triumphant look. “And this is my assistant, Nurse—”“Doctor,” Brynley corrected him.“Doctor . . .” He glanced down at her chest. “A-cup.”“B-cup!”He arched a brow. “You’ll have to prove it.”
Kerrelyn Sparks
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“Oh yeah. It would be terrible for you to have only one working fang. Your friends might want to call you Lefty”
Kerrelyn Sparks
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“Roman might have survived the Great Vampire War of 1710, but he was about to face an even worse terror.A mortal female in full rage.”
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“Well, guess what?" Shanna's excited voice interrupted his thoughts. "They're going to have twins! Isn't that exciting!"Robby nodded. "Aye. I can barely contain myself."She gave him a wry look. "You should try to be happy for your friends.""I am. I'm delighted that everyone but me is happily married and multiplying like bloody rabbits.”
Kerrelyn Sparks
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“Shanna planted her hands on her hips."Getting drunk is not going to solve your problems." "Aye, but t'will make me no' give a damn."(Robby)”
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“Heat invaded her cheeks. She wasn't used to men seeing her whithout her clothes on. And here was in her boring white cotton bra and panties. damn, if only she'd worn her black lace undies. She winced inwardly. She'd come close to getting mauled by a jaguar, and all she could think about was the sexiness factor of her underwear? She must be in shock.”
Kerrelyn Sparks
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“...You could be a member of a special, macho, elite force, protecting mankind from insidios evil in all forms, including the triple-decker bacon cheeseburger.""I can saftly say I've never battled a cheeseburger.”
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“Somethings different,"Carlos continued."Tonight you came in with no scowling or growling.Why the change?"Robby shrugged one shoulder."I'm trying to convince you i'm no' crazy.If I kept doing the same thing when it wasna working, would that no' be crazy?""Good point.”
Kerrelyn Sparks
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“There's no bright side," Phineas objected. "The man's got no gonads.""But she hit the target," Carlos said."The man has got no gonads," Phineas repeated forcefully."It was an accident." Caitlyn set her gun on the counter. "I was aiming for his chest.""You blew his pecker to Connecticut," Phineas muttered.She grinned. "I think you have issues, Phineas. It was only a paper pecker.”
Kerrelyn Sparks
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“Don’t give me the evil eye. You were the one about to star in an X-rated porno flick."-Phineas”
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“Phineas gave Abigail an encouraging smile. “Chillax, dudette. He didn’t want to bite you.”She wondered if she’d overreacted. “He didn’t?”“Naw.” Phineas smirked. “He just wanted to jump your bones.”
Kerrelyn Sparks
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“Sean groaned. “What are you thinking? The future of Vamps around the world depends on this, and you’re subjecting those poor innocent girls to a playboy and the self-proclaimed Love Doctor?”Phineas huffed. “Dude, I can be a perfect gentleman.”“On what planet?” Sean growled.”
Kerrelyn Sparks
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“Girl, are you on medication?” Nurse Debra asked.“No, of course not,” Madison answered impatiently.“Maybe you should be,” Debra muttered.”
Kerrelyn Sparks
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“Garrett ran a hand through his hair. “How can you stay the head of the Stake-Out team? Isn’t that a conflict of interest?”“You expect me to stake myself?” Sean growled.“I’ve got a nice, big one you can borrow,” Gregori suggested.”
Kerrelyn Sparks
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“Phineas leaped to his feet, giving Vanda a appalled look. "Vanda! Why'd you do it?""What?" Vanda stood.Phineas slapped a hand against his brow. "you can't attack these people jut because you hate Naruto!”
Kerrelyn Sparks
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“What are you waiting for?" shanna asked. "He's dying! Do it!" Conner looked at Angus. "Ye do it. It was yer idea.""Nay? Ye were the first to suggest it. Ye do it.""I'm no' touching him." Conner said.He nudged Phineas "Ye do it.""I don't even know how!" Phineas poked at Robby. "You do it.""Why me?" Robby turned to Angus. "Ye're the expert. Ye do it."Angus grimaced. "I'm no' doing it. I hate the bugger.""Stop it!" Shanna screamed "You- Forget it! I'll do it myself.""Shanna you don't know how," Roman said."Gods blood. I guess I have to do it." "You guess?" Shanna cried "Are you going to let him die?""He threatens to kill me every time he sees me.”
Kerrelyn Sparks
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“This is Ian. He's no' usually speechless. Or so well dressed."-ConnerI shouldna wear my best clothes to meet an angel from heaven?"-Ian"You look very nice, I love your shirt."-Marielle"Thank you"-Ian"I have a shirt like that, too."-Conner”
Kerrelyn Sparks
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“I'm talking about doing something good for mankind. Imagine how awesome everyone would feel if they knew all that holy stuff was real." -Gregori"Stuff? Four years of giving sermons, and that what I get back? Holy stuff?”
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“Shanna, sweet Shanna. How can I tell you what you mean to me? When I saw you at the ball it was as if my heart started beating again. You lit up the room, bright in an ocean of black and white. And I thought- my life has been nothing but a dark, endless night. Then you came out like a rainbow and filled my black soul with color.”
Kerrelyn Sparks
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“Maggie scoffed. "Denial will not save you when Cupid's arrow find its mark.""If i see Cupid anywhere in the vicinity, I'm ripping his chubby little arms off." Vanda yanked the door open to Romatech.”
Kerrelyn Sparks
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